#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <angelscript.h>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ObjectBase
ObjectBase() { mInteger = 0x1000; }
virtual ~ObjectBase() { }
int getInteger() { return mInteger; }
int mInteger;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ObjectChild: public ObjectBase
ObjectChild() { }
virtual ~ObjectChild() { }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Out(int i)
printf("Out() i = 0x%08X\n", i);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(void)
asIScriptEngine *pEngine = asCreateScriptEngine(ANGELSCRIPT_VERSION);
{ // set up
char const *test =
"void test(Object obj)"
" Out(obj.getInteger());"
pEngine->RegisterObjectType("Object", 0, asOBJ_CLASS);
pEngine->RegisterObjectMethod("Object", "int getInteger()", asMETHOD(ObjectBase, getInteger), asCALL_THISCALL);
pEngine->RegisterGlobalFunction("void Out(int i)", asFUNCTION(Out), asCALL_CDECL);
pEngine->AddScriptSection(0, "test", test, strlen(test), 0, false);
{ // execution
ObjectChild obj;
asIScriptContext *pContext = pEngine->CreateContext();
int id = pEngine->GetFunctionIDByDecl(0, "void test(Object obj)");
pContext->SetArgObject(0, &obj);
return 0;
Passing object to script function
Heya - I'm currently experimenting with the library what I want to do and how to do it - and already got a problem :)
In short, what I understood from object registration is when I don't register any behaviour and set the object to 0 size, it is available to the script only via a) function parameter when called from C or b) as a return parameter from a C function, right?
b) I yet haven't tried since I already failed at a) ;)
The output I'm getting from Out() is any integer, but never 0x1000.
What am I doing wrong?
(having an obj from ObjectBase has the same (wrong) result - but I didn't expect it to be the problem anyway...)
You'll need to write the script function to take a reference to the object.
There is a third way that the scripts can access these types of objects, and that is through registered global properties.
void test(Object &inout obj){ Out(obj.getInteger());}
There is a third way that the scripts can access these types of objects, and that is through registered global properties.
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Quote: Original post by WitchLord
You'll need to write the script function to take a reference to the object.void test(Object &inout obj){ Out(obj.getInteger());}
Thanks for your response, but this code gives me a Build() error:
test (1, 1) : Info : Compiling void test(Object&inout)
test (1, 11) : Error : Parameter type can't be 'Object&'
I used the same program as above, just added the MessageStream output -- using Ver.2.4.1c.
(∈ generates the same error)
Oops! Not even I get it right all the time. ;)
Parameter references are still complicated to use in AngelScript, because they cannot be used the same way as in C++, as that is not safe enough for scripting. I've improved the way they work in 2.5.0 a little, and in a future version I will improve it even more (I hope).
If you could add reference counting to the Object type you would be able to use the object handles to pass the object by pointer. In order for objects to support object handles you must register the ADDREF and RELEASE behaviours.
In this case you would write your script function as such:
Parameter references are still complicated to use in AngelScript, because they cannot be used the same way as in C++, as that is not safe enough for scripting. I've improved the way they work in 2.5.0 a little, and in a future version I will improve it even more (I hope).
If you could add reference counting to the Object type you would be able to use the object handles to pass the object by pointer. In order for objects to support object handles you must register the ADDREF and RELEASE behaviours.
In this case you would write your script function as such:
void test(Object@ obj){ Out(obj.getInteger());}
AngelCode.com - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game
Quote: Original post by WitchLord
Oops! Not even I get it right all the time. ;)
Heh - no problem ;)
Thanks for the help, although I might get trouble trying to add reference counting to the objects I plan to use...
Perhaps you could make a light wrapper for the objects in order to add reference counting? The asCScriptString is a good example on how this can be done, it wraps the std::string in a way that most functions taking a std::string by parameter reference still can be used without any changes.
Otherwise I'm afraid it will be very difficult to pass an object with size 0 by parameter. The size 0 objects were mostly intended to be handled by object handle, or be registered as singletons.
Otherwise I'm afraid it will be very difficult to pass an object with size 0 by parameter. The size 0 objects were mostly intended to be handled by object handle, or be registered as singletons.
AngelCode.com - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game
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