Original post by xycos
I've been doing a little musing on difficuty and wondering what the general consensus is on this. So please take my little survey-thingy, or just say whatever you think about difficulty (specifically in a 3rd person action-adventure game).
don't play that many action-adventure games, I like pure-action games better :)
1. What difficulty level do you usually play at (Very Easy, Easy, Medium, Hard, very Hard).
or the dificuly-level where I get the hardest(ie ai-hardest, not hp-hardest) enemies but not at the expenc(?) of game-play issues(like less hp and/or few saves) and with cheats.
2. Would you rather a game be too easy or too hard?
too easy.
3. In an action-adventure game, would you be more frustrated by too-difficult puzzles or too-difficult combat?
since I'm not a puzzle guy I would go w/ the combat one. I can cheat my way behind that one ;)
Please note that too easy puzzles might iritate hardecore-players since they merely take time.
4. What's the hardest game you've FINISHED? The easiest?
hardest? uuuhhm blood 2:the chosen? IIRC I cheated my way though the final boss and simply stood there for a about 30 sec and blasted the boss with the most advanced weapon. pretty boring.
easiest? fear/hl2 altough I finsihed both on easy/very easy.
5. Have you ever stopped playing a game soley because it was too difficult or too easy, and, if so, which one(s)?
can't remember. stop played "doom3", "pop: sands of time" and "far cry" because they all were too boring (IMHO).
6. Which of the following are good ways to make a game more difficult?:
- Decreased player stats (damage, etc.).
- Decreased player health.
- Increased enemy stats (damage, etc.).
- Increased enemy HP (so enemies take longer to kill).
- Fewer save points/saves per level.
cheap and boring.
- More enemies.
- Better enemy AI.
- Fewer powerups.
might work. my brother played hl2 at the hardest level and he said that the fights became more fun since partially because you had to flee for a while since you hadn't ammo for the rocket-launcher to take down the "flying guns".
- Other.
According to a review "perfect dark zero" changed the missions according to the difficuly level. At a harder level it became more to do, and at a easier level it became... easier :)
- A combonation of the above.
works. But I like the custom version. Allow the user to choose his/her own difficulty level.
7. What should be the difficulty ramp of a game (i.e. how much harder should the final level be than the first non-tutorial level)?
As previously mentioned:
Original post by Telastyn
As close to the learning curve of the game as you can get.