Tvos Litee: Curious Symbiots
===Commencement Speech, First Grove Landing====
From Deep Tree Master Layunas:
"I am old. I was exploring the Dark and Cold before many of you were budding. I was a seedling when the motiles arrived. I recall when our suns were brighter, and when the monsoons were plenty. Migration then was unecessary, and predators were small and scrawny.
Ah, for times of old.
I even remember the Great Trunk, the all encompassing republic that was both shade and sun, strength and life. Tyranny and dessication were unknown, and predators few. With our motile friends-- the Terrans, the Shay, the jElowni and Tenadd-- we grew the Trunk wide and tall. It was a part of us. We were it's leaves and branches, and it was the soil beneath us.
I saw it go. I saw it whither and die, and I still do not know what our folly was. Certainly we did not put down roots in sand. Our Trunk was solid. Yet somewhere we erred, and to this day I still do not understand. I lost many friends among the motiles, in that time.
But the Great Trunk is myth and legends to bright saplings like you. I know. What do you know of hurricanes, or Great Trunks, or the Deep and Cold? You have earned trees of your own, Deep Trees that can once again ply the infinite Cold. Your eagerness to go radiates. No longer students, you are Tree Masters now, and the Great Root calls you from afar.
Yet if you will permit an old one to rustle on, I will tell you of what the Wind and Seasons have taught me.
The growth of now is the growth of before, and the growth of what is to come. Only the Deep and Cold is eternal. Even our own suns dim, and as the ice encroaches new worlds beckon.
As you venture forth, you will again meet the motiles. Even they have changed, and with the severing of the Great Trunk I fear few will remember us. Among them you may find no inland, no shelter, only predators and storm.
It is for this reason you must remember what binds us all. Alone you are wrapped about a single tree on an open plain. But together, you are a jungle! Our tendrils bind us. When we hold and net, not even the strongest tree smashers can escape us. This is our wisdom, taught to us by the Wind and Seasons.
So go forth among the motiles. Find adventure. Their ways are much like our own: To learn. To share. To trade, explore and build. We are not so different. Only our soil.
I wish I were going with you. I worry for you all, as if you were my own budlings. But this is your time, a time to grow your own Trunk. Though you depart the Jungle, I have faith that you will ensnare your predators, that you will find shelter and that you will discover new worlds upon which to found your own forests.
But as you go, be sure to stop from time to time. To listen. Each new world will have it's own Wind and it's own Seasons. Let it teach you what we old ones did not learn.
For it is the wisdom of the eternal."
Just waiting for the mothership...
Edited by - Wavinator on January 5, 2001 5:29:35 PM
SF Worldbuilding: Ancient history
Original post by morfe
I thought the Honored Matres WERE serial killers
Your mention of the Alien novels makes me rethink #3 along the lines of the Company.
Yup, Homeworlders have Androids too.

Sorry it's a bit garbled... the little sylph sitting on my keyboard is very distracting...
Man, I wish I could get one of those!!! That's the last quad-shot large nonfat latte I ever have! I've literally been up the entire night!!! Oh well, at least the Muse finally decided to pay a visit, the fickle *#%&#*@! <img src="smile.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle> <br><br>--------------------<br>Just waiting for the mothership...<br><br>Edited by - Wavinator on January 4, 2001 10:37:06 AM
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Couldn''t resist 
#5 : The First (Babylon 5)
As to the Sylph:
Around 48 hours without sleep, you start hearing voices, like the radio turned down low. Soon you see shapes drifing about, and later they focus into 6-12" bipeds that run around, but mainly annoy you (tickle you, pull your hair). Fun thing is at about 60 hours when you go outside and see people walking around. And they aren''t there
Around 72 hours (for me anyway) you see things coming out of the walls. And you say f**k that, I''m off to bed.
"NPCs will be inherited from the basic Entity class. They will be fully independent, and carry out their own lives oblivious to the world around them ... that is, until you set them on fire ..."
"When you are willing to do that which others are ashamed to do, therein lies an advantage."

#5 : The First (Babylon 5)
As to the Sylph:
Around 48 hours without sleep, you start hearing voices, like the radio turned down low. Soon you see shapes drifing about, and later they focus into 6-12" bipeds that run around, but mainly annoy you (tickle you, pull your hair). Fun thing is at about 60 hours when you go outside and see people walking around. And they aren''t there

"NPCs will be inherited from the basic Entity class. They will be fully independent, and carry out their own lives oblivious to the world around them ... that is, until you set them on fire ..."
"When you are willing to do that which others are ashamed to do, therein lies an advantage."
"NPCs will be inherited from the basic Entity class. They will be fully independent, and carry out their own lives oblivious to the world around them ... that is, until you set them on fire ..." -- Merrick
San Francisco?
Shining Force?
sounds good cant wait to play it
Shining Force?
sounds good cant wait to play it
"do you like my helmut?"-yoghurt
Original post by lupine
San Francisco?
Shining Force?
LOL. SF = Science Fiction. I''d use Sci-Fi, but in some circles that''s disparaging (pronounced "skiffy").
sounds good cant wait to play it

I''m not sure if it''s overraught or not, but since I''m trying to make a science fiction RPG-like game that doesn''t have story, this is about all you get (besides in-context conversation) to set the mood for you.
Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
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