Original post by vr_man
But reducing the number of times that a person can save or restart from a saved destination could be a good idea. A character could acquire the ability to save during the game but they would have to use their saving abilities wisely.
Limited saves bombed with the audience already. You need to research more.
Look up the original Aliens versus Predator (the original scary one, not the hollywood-bore sequel)
They had limited amounts of saves at the start of levels only. This was a design decision that proved unpopular. They issued a patch that allowed to save anywhere, and killed all the tension in the process.
Many players also stay away from scary games. Most Doom3 players installed a patch to allow them to hold the lantern along with guns, because they were too frickin' scared without it (of course no one will admit this on an open forum).
So, rule of thumb: scary gameplay decimates your audience.