
Windows cannot browse Samba Share

Started by November 25, 2005 01:56 PM
3 comments, last by kagey 18 years, 10 months ago
- Okay I got Samba set up in Mandriva 2006. - I am sharing a folder, it is public, writeable, browseable. - I log into the Windows ME computer and check My Network Places - The Samba share comp exists, even with the comment "Samba Server 3.0.20" - When I try and access the comp to see what it is sharing Windows propmptly says: "\\Homer is not accessible Windows cannot find the computer or share name. Make sure the computer or share name is valid and that you are connected to the network." Now, I am confused with that error since the comp in question appeared in the Workgroup immediatly after enabling Samba. Any help?
You might need to set an smb password for your windows user on linux.

try 'man smbpasswd'
what kind of security is it? user or share?
I was on 'share' and then I switched to 'user'.
Neither worked.

I'll try setting a samba password for the windows user.
See... When I try and browse the samba shares it doesn't even ask for a user/pass to start...
post smb.conf please

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