
Mandriva 2006 Change DPI

Started by November 24, 2005 06:10 PM
7 comments, last by Halsafar 18 years, 10 months ago
Okay I finally got up to 1280x1024 and now I gotta change the DPI. The fonts are way to small. I have googled, and search the entire configuration of the system. I cannot find a simple method. I found a method of modifying some X11 config file and xorg.config but it didn't work. Apparently I disovered that Mandriva uses a font-server seperate from X11. Any help?
startx -- -dpi 100

Do I shutdown the X-Server which boots at startup?
Then run that?

I have no idea how to shutdown the running X-Server...
ctrl + alt + backspace? kill/killall?
So I kill ALL.
End up and a console login screen I presume.
startx --dpi 100

And then i'm good to go???

Will this change be parmanent?
how can I alter the boot startx call to be modified to read startx --dpi 100.
Doesn't that have to with the runLevel?
It's startx -- -dpi 100

I don't know anything about mandrake. the way i have my system work is i just have the console login (xdm doesnt run on startup). when i login i run startx (which is an alias for `startx -- -dpi 100` in my .bash_profile.)
Well maybe I'll do that.
I guess that means I gotta figure out how to boot to console rather than kdm
You can make the changes permanent by editing the file /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc.

KDM might use its own configuration, I know GDM does.
I researched google to find the file I'd have to modify and your post got me farther.
I am using KDM to login...
I figure I'd have to modify the runModes so it never hits level 5 (I believe level 5 is when X-Window opens).

I'd love a console login screen off boot, 2 reasons: quicker boot time (about 30 seconds faster according to some tests) and the ability to boot into KDE anyway I want.

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