
What should I use

Started by January 02, 2001 02:30 PM
6 comments, last by Freeride Designs 23 years, 11 months ago
I want to draw/make some buildings similar in style to those in settlers 3, but don''t know whats best to use, a 3D modeller, or a 2D paint package. I have 3DSMax, and PSP etc etc. But are there any good 3D modellers for this kind of thing. ----------------
Freeride Designs
Black Edge Games
I think you get one of those AutoCad programs that landscapers and builders use then you can make your buildings. It''s make by the same company as 3ds Max. web sit
--------------------------I shall thrash his bloody head in, cut it from upon his shoulders, and as his blood flows effortlessly down my blade, I shall taste it's sweetness. Blade Runner’s Entertainment Nothing much right now...
Sorry, I think you misunderstood a bit, I mean cartoony sort of style as in Settlers 3, a cad program probably wouldn''t be any good.

Freeride Designs
Black Edge Games
I''ll go out on a limb here and say that I don''t think there are any 3D modellers for that kind of thing - forgive me if I go off here, but in Settlers 1/2 the buildings were 2D anyhow, so you could just draw them and be fine. I havent really looked at S3, if the buildings/landscapes and so on are true 3D, you might want to look into using 3DS Max to model the buildings, or perhaps Maya / Lightwave. But no, I don''t know of any specific modelling packages for doing buildings.

You could try Amapi 3D. It''s a really easy to use modeller, and has a cartoon plug-in... you can get a free 60-day demo from TGS''s website (you''ll have to search -- can''t remember). Otherwise, grab something like Blender of Milkshape3D and start hacking some prebuilt models from

"NPCs will be inherited from the basic Entity class. They will be fully independent, and carry out their own lives oblivious to the world around them ... that is, until you set them on fire ..."
"When you are willing to do that which others are ashamed to do, therein lies an advantage."
"NPCs will be inherited from the basic Entity class. They will be fully independent, and carry out their own lives oblivious to the world around them ... that is, until you set them on fire ..." -- Merrick
Other than saving, you can get a fully functional version of Truespace from their site. But you can always use printscreen... TS3 is only like $99 I think, and compared to MAX that''s awesome. It can do most everything too. People mention Milkshape a lot, but I think that''s more for characters; never used it.

Depends on what look you''re going for. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using PSP (or similar) and drawing them 2D however the advantages of 3D are:

1. Rescaleability - building too small? Simply resize for a perfect rerender, this is not so for a hand painted image.

2. You can of course rotate the building if you wanted a render of the rear...

3. The textures can give the look you''re after, a posterized texture would give a cartoonish look or...well that weuld also be easy to change.

4. Don''t have to worry about perspective, worry about that once you done the model

5. Lighting, you can render building with lights on or off, with neat texture or damage textures, or even a bout of new textures to make different looking buildings....

6. You don''t need to worry about polygon count as once the image is rendered model specs like that are irrelavent, this will make modelling easier...

So there you go, 3D will help you make what you want without worry about changes/resolution changes etc.

Go for it!
The buildings in s3 are definitely made with a 3-renderer.
I read an article about the development in a german magazine some time ago.
But if you really want that comic style you have to draw real good textures and the architecture has to be made with curves or nurbs rather then polygons. I only know that blender is not good in making curved objects, so better use some other prog...

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