
making a sprite face the screen

Started by January 02, 2001 11:50 AM
4 comments, last by MrSandman666 23 years, 10 months ago
Allright, I''m still working on my particle engine and I got to another problem: How do I make the particles face the screen at all times? Anybody know how to do this? "Mr Sandman bring me a dream"
-----------------------------"Mr Sandman bring me a dream"
Go checkout the following links on Nate Miller''s site.

Hope this helps,

I''ll e-mail you my little billboarding demo. My method is a lot simpler than Nate''s, and works just as good.
My HomepageSome shoot to kill, others shoot to mame. I say clear the chamber and let the lord decide. - Reno 911
Julio I''m not trying to be mean here, but your method does not work nearly as well as the one mentioned by Nyko. I got the billboarding demo off of your site and added a "glRotatef(60, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)" before your "flare.Draw(yrot)" call and the particles were no longer billboarded. I did the same thing to the other demo and it still worked fine. I think you should re-think the method you are using before you say it is better than one that is obviously more robust. Remember, simple does not necessarily mean better.

hmm, thanks for pointing that out. that's really not a difficult thing to fix. Yes, Nate's is a better method that mine because it calculates the rotation, but it still doesn't have to be that hard. Just think about what you're doing and it makes it a lot simpler. You know what else isn't implimented in mine? z- rotation correction. One more thing that's not difficult to fix and can be as easily implimented as what I already have for the y correction.

Edited by - Julio on January 3, 2001 8:04:33 AM
My HomepageSome shoot to kill, others shoot to mame. I say clear the chamber and let the lord decide. - Reno 911
Your method needs to know about all the rotations that are going on, thats a lot harder to do IMO.


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