
random solar system names

Started by November 21, 2005 05:50 AM
27 comments, last by Luckless 13 years, 9 months ago
M.C. Zoni IN DA GALAXY!!!11
Original post by smart_idiotThey seem awfully close together, though.

Nah, the milkyway is 3000 lightyears thick, the stars are far apart in that direction, you just can't see that on a 2D map, it's an easy simplification :)
Their new game is a twist on Tiger Woods 2005, @(11,7)

What's homoveld doing near slaplex? Pervert!

Everything is better with Metal.

That looks like a pretty good collection of names. For some reason I like "Gomer", "Loven", "Mo", "Susen", "Jak", "NC Splinty" and "666 Splintus" [smile].
Original post by smart_idiot
Soon the entire copter system will be mine!

including rofl- and wafflecopter?
I remember that Elite did the same thing and they spent a few days looking over the output for naughty words. [grin]

But yeah, looks great -- and it's awesome that it runs on Linux. Good work! Lemme know if you need any help/ports/testing.
Awesome, keep me posted.

Also, read my PM.
With love, AnonymousPosterChild
Nice... the world needs more procedural content.

As for "easter eggs"... well, as far as I'm concerned, that's just a bonus.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

I don't know if your game makes the distinction, but you may look into making a few set of phonology rules based on the controlling region's language.

For example:

Race A has the sounds A, TA, TU, VE. VE may never appear after an A, and TU may never be the first syllable - unless separated by a glottal stop.

Tu'vea, Atave, Veveta, and so on.

Race B has the sounds GA, LU, TOR, MAS, NAL, AS. LU may never be the initial syllable, and the M in MAS changes to V when the previous syllable ends in a vowel.

Masga, Torluvas, Nalluas, Tormasnal.

And so on. From there you generate names based on those races' rules. It will create a much more natural looking distinction between a group's boundaries. Of course, I also recommend the ability for the player to have an alias name for a system - in some cases, a planet I commonly travel to would ring a better bell if it sounded much more natural to me, as opposed to whatever the locals call it. On further thought, unless you're assuming that all systems are known by the player prior to playing, you could use a simple index system to name uncharted systems, thus allowing the player to either learn or choose the name for new systems.

Just a thought. [smile]

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