
Poll: refresh rate

Started by November 11, 2005 12:56 PM
4 comments, last by BlindSide 18 years, 10 months ago
How freqently are you refreshing the forum/contest page awaiting results? 1) Every few hours. 2) Once an hour. 3) Every 15 min. 4) Refresh after reading any new post. 5) Subscribed to every thread and my F5 key looking worn. 6) Personally harrassing the last 2 judges. 7) 75Hz ;)
I'm not subscribing to EVERY thread.
The only reason F5 isn't worn away is I'm switching between 5 computers at work and 3 at home. Which distributes the wear nicely.
I only wish my favorite jeans were that lucky.
And as I don't know which two judges we are waiting for I've only PM'ed the staff a max of once a day each ;)
-Lost Little Girl in Gamedev (LLGG)---------------------------------------------Insert Soulless Corporate Logo HERE. I am Dread Pirate Roberts(TM) #17603. Please ask about franchise opportunities in your area!
Quote: Original post by Fubeca
4) Refresh after reading any new post.

gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
ekarny babai!
When I'm at the computer, I'd say the 15-minute answer is the closest one. :D
------------------"Kaka e gott" - Me
8) Harrassing the two judges at 100HZ... :P

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