
Cartography Shop

Started by November 09, 2005 05:57 PM
5 comments, last by u235 19 years, 3 months ago
Does anyone have any experience with this level editor? I have tried posting to TGC's forums but they really aren't very good, so I was wondering if anyone could help me out? The help file that comes with the app doesn't explain anything very well and they don't have any tutorials(unless you count the help file as a tutorial, which is what they do). Anyway, please reply if you think you can help me. I won't post specific questions and take up space until I know there are some fellow users here. Thanks. -AJ
V/R,-AJThere are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don't...
I've used it and the successor 3D World Studio quite a bit in a Torque setting. It's really pretty good. Cart Shop lacks some tools though, like a carve function, but it's still useful.

Try the forums at - they seem to be a bit more acitve than the TGC forums.
I use Cartography Shop for my Torque project as well. It does things in a logical way, and runs much smoother for me than Quark.
Original post by OldRod
Cart Shop lacks some tools though, like a carve function, but it's still useful.

Funny thing is, there's a button on the toolbar for carving and I can't for the life of me figure out how to use it.

Another question I have involves lighting. So I have a torch, in a room, with a light placed right on top of it. Now when I calculate the lightmap, all it does change everything in the room to a tint of whatever color light I selected. Is there a way to change settings like strength and effective distance etc, or would I be better off just using the lighting functions of my engine?

Does it do skyboxes?

And to make my torch I hollowed out a cone and messed with vertices, no problem, right? Well I tried to do the same thing to make a vaulted ceiling for a house, but for that, one of two things happens:
1)If I try to hollow before messing with the vertices, it will just delete the whole cone except for the bottom face or
2)If I try to hollw after messing with the vertices it just deletes the whole thing.

Thanks for helping me figure out this good, but poorly undocumented program.


V/R,-AJThere are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don't...
The carve function in CartShop is still very "alpha" at this point in time. I make vaulted cieling by hand, instead of carving. But I like doing everything at a very basic level, I like that kind of control. I have found that the carve tools works good for boxes, but does not work with round objects/carvings. I never got the "hollow" button to do anything useful either.

As far as lighting, it depends on your engine. Torque (game engine) has it's own unique lighting system, so I don't even get to see my light maps in real-time. I have to wait until I export it.

Finally, as far as setting the distance, it should be in the same menu you used to change the color. Select the light object, press the "gear" button (properties) and it should be there. I am at work, not at home, so I will get back with a much better answer.

I also woudn't use CartShop for detailed items like a torches. Other programs are more designed for that. I use MilkShape 3D for example.

Kris Genthe
Maybe we're talking about two different things. The 'carve' I thought he meant was what 3DWS calls 'slice'. Where you set a 2-point plane to slice another brush in half. Cart Shop didn't have this at all.

The 'carve' that seems to be discussed here is what other editors call CSG Subtract - and yes it was very buggy in Cart Shop. Haven't used it in 3DWS as I prefer not to use subtraction if at all possible. With slice and vertex manipulation, carve isn't really needed.
Yeah, carve, as I mean here, is to take a brush, put it over another brush and set the the first brush's properties to carve so that it subtracts itself from the brush to be carved. But I guess I will have to use another editor to do that with. Thanks.

V/R,-AJThere are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don't...

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