
[4e4] #32 VIGDP3

Started by November 09, 2005 11:23 AM
2 comments, last by Gehin 18 years, 10 months ago
Hello people, Im am the creator of VIGDP3, the 32.º entry :) Here are some screenshots of the game: Its a plataformer in 3D but with 2D gameplay. Any comments?
Techno Grooves
I put it as a "tier 1" game. Some comments thus far:

Avatar God - Nice graphics/lighting. Robotninja, jump over giant obstacles and on top of zombified pirates. Seriously hard.

AP - One of my favorites. Nice graphics. However, like many other games a bit hard. I don't want to die 50 times on the first level :)

I'll add my comment. I played all the way through it and loved every bit of it. The graphics were sweet sweet and their were lots of obstacles/baddies. I especially liked it when you fall into that pipe underground. The story seemed to move very fast and also seemed to be a little too epic given the length of the game :). I didn't find the game too hard.

The first sign in the game said it is called "VIEGDP3." Typo? And I think maybe the title could be more creative.

Things you could add (you probably already have a list): Intro Story, More Levels, Save Games, Credit Screen. Those would make it seem very complete.
I played for a few minutes at lunch. So far I love the room graphics, very nice. It was also a fun take on a mario bros style gameplay. Nice fire effects too.

The transistion from the room into the pipe is wonderful.

I found myself wishing the ninja had throwing stars or something and my only big complaint is the collision detection. Sometimes the zombies were pretty far away from me and still killed me. Other than that good job, I plan to play and finish the game tomorrow at lunch as I ran out of time today.

Oh, one other thing, the dialogue needs proofreading as there are many spelling and grammar mistakes.
good game with frustrating bugs... but really nice visuals... I like it especially when there is so much glow in the BG that the characters turn to some kind of shadow puppets... very striking.

some amusing spelling errors too... my favorite being "THE PIRATES WERE BOMBIFIED!" ... haha, they were made into bombs? ;))))

but good work. remove the falling-through-the-floor-bugs and we´ll be set. and add some chests and swords and crowns and uncle scrooge mcduck to the treasure room! (oops spoiler)

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