Tactical Shooter ideas
-What about custimizing prototype vehicles to sell to anybody you want.+weapons to+ body armor+clothes -Land Mines....Ohhh Like cool weather effects like hurricanes and when you fly around while its stormin u get sruck by lightning and uhh... Attack dogs that u can train and you could give them c4 to plant on enemy tanks - Robots -Also I think I forgot to add the whole recoil springs and laser pointers for weapon customizations -Jetpacks -Jetskis - You should be able to go into all buildings. - Being able to fly an airplane. - Car bombs. - M16/M4 w/ HE Grenade Launcher - Nukes. - Radiation Bombs (if they exist) - Pistol (that doesn't shoot rockets) - The ability to recruit people (like make a group of SKs follow you, like gangsters in San Andreas) - Custom Soundtrack radio in vehicles (Xbox) - Should take place in Sumalia (The African country in Black Hawk Down), and should be based on Black Hawk Down. - More Mercs. - Merc customization. - When you cuff a citizen, you should be able to take him to a holding facility and interrogate (no joke intended). - Some enemies should be Guerrillas. - Multiplayer. - Online Multiplayer and Co-Op. - Optional FP mode. - Melee weapons. -gadgets,new guns+old ones+more.more factions+bigger maps,more vehicles.and more support items weapons crates etc.stealth equipment nightsight etc. 1. Have co-op and multiplayer mode/online play 2. Have a special continue for when you beat the game. Keeping anything you unlocked or own. 3. Weapons A. Pistols, tranquilizers, and other weapons that would fit into the game's time era. B. Melee - For stealth, general use, last resort, and civilian mayhem - knifes, a collapsible baton, chainsaws, swords, slit enemies throats, human shields, throwing weapons or just bashing an enemy with your current weapon. C. Be able to dual wield one hand weapons. D. Staff grenades, smoke bombs, mines, trip lasers, C4, and other explosives E. Have “wacky” weapons such as water guns, paintball guns that are filled with acid paint, and maybe water balloon grenades. F. Be able to unlock futuristic weapons after you beat the game G. There should be a bomb with a large blast radius in the game. Also the air strikes should cause more damage. I mean the bunker buster is destructive but it’s blast radius sucks. 4. Items A. Parachutes B. Have smoke bombs and chaff grenades C. A grapple hook and climbing equipment for scaling walls or other steep surfaces. D. Be able to dress up like other faction members to sneak into restricted areas. Also you could use this when you have to fight against a faction that is friendly towards you. Officers would be able to see through your disguise. E. Health packs. Use when you need em. F. Revival packs. Game asks if you want to use it when you die. G. Scuba equipment for stay underwater for long periods of time. H. Bullet proof vests that only last after taking a certain amount of damage. I. Radiation suits that protect you from radiation. 5. Stealth A. Be able to dress up like other faction members to sneak into restricted areas. Also you could use this when you have to fight against a faction that is friendly towards you. Officers would be able to see through your disguise. B. Be able to change into different camouflage for stealth (like on Metal Gear Solid 3) C. Have a way to let your Allies know that you are in disguise so that they don’t shoot you. D. Enemies should lose sight of you when you get too far away or hide. 6. Character A. Be able to swim. B. Be able to crawl/crouch. C. Be able to hide in shadows. D. Be able to customize him? E. Be able to give command to your Allies to stop or get out of vehicles. 7. Vehicles A. Sail boats, row boats, rafts, canoes, and other man powered boats. They could also have small motor boats, yachts, battleships, frigates, transport ships, carriers, submarines, hovercrafts, and jetskis. B. Tow trucks, rigs, monster trucks, motorcycles (with or without those side carts), bikes, ATVs, construction vehicles, trains. C. Have jets, planes, and more helicopters. Also have lots of vertical takeoff vehicles. Have a helicopter that can pull a vehicle up into its cargo bay. D. Be able to actually transport things in vehicles such as other vehicles and supply crates. Also be able to move the magnets on helicopters up and down. E. Be able to operate stationary things such as cranes. F. Have more civilian vehicles such as jeeps, vans, and pickup so you have some raw material for customizing G. Have amphibious vehicles H. Jetpacks. I. They should have things that you are able to attach onto the back of your vehicle such as those things that you put a boat on in order to transport it on land J. Have radios in your vehicles that only tune into awesome music or be able to listen to music that you have saved on your X360 (if the game is going to be on that system). K. Have speed gauges in vehicles and vehicles shouldn’t be so sluggish. L. Be able to unlock futuristic vehicles once you beat the game such as hover cars, hover tanks, and hover jets. 8. Squad A. You can have a squad of up to six people. You can add or remove people from your squad at any time, such as people from other factions. However you cannot add squad members of faction who hate each other or something like that. B. You would be able to add other Mercs from your base to your Squad. When they “die” they are sent back to base. You are also able to send them back to base. They should automatically go back to base if you leave them alone for a long time. C. You should be able to give commands to your squad such as to man a turret or gun or to drive a vehicle to a certain place. D. Be able to switch characters to other members in your squad? 9. Your own personal base A. Be able to buy stuff for your base such as more land, an airway for planes to takeoff, helicopter pads for storing helicopters, hangars for storing planes, garages for storing vehicles, a custom shop for customizing vehicles and weapons, a paint shop to change your vehicles’ faction symbol and color, a repair shop to fix up your vehicles, fortifications such as fences, walls, gates, towers, machine guns, turrets and SAMs to protect the base, artillery for you to use, a railroad station, a warehouse for storing weapons and ammo, a small hospital for healing yourself, a harbor for storing your ships and submarines, an HQ which is where your operator could stay I guess and for you to change outfits, ect. B. Also you would have to unlock the ability to buy stuff for your base and you would have to unlock customizations to, well just to make sure the game doesn't become super easy just because you are super rich C. There would be two shops to order stuff from; your base and some kind of mafia. Your base sells stuff at lower prices however is limited to what it owns. Such as if your base doesn’t have bombers or an airway then you can’t order those kinds of air strikes from your base. D. You would have men at your base guarding it and your base is susceptible to enemy attacks. Also you have to buy your patrol vehicles at your base and they don’t respawn, so this way you can’t cheat and sell or stock up on these vehicles just because they appear at your base. You would be like your own faction. E. You are able to have your men transport vehicles or weapons from the base to your position for a small fee by land, air or sea depending on what means of transportation your base has and where you are. F. The base would be small at first and obviously it would have those buildings that are just there for looks such as tents and boxes. Like your base would start out as just a few tents, dirt roads, and cheap bridges. Then you can upgrade these things to paved roads and cement buildings. G. You should be able to sell weapons and vehicles you have stored there at will just so that it's easier. Also you should be able to view the vehicles stored there as a list with a picture. And you would be able to flip through the storage buildings on this menu and see what buildings are holding what. This just makes it easier to tell what you have stored. H. You should be able to create custom boxes of equipment for them to deliver you based on what your base is storing and what you are buying. I. Your base should be isolated. Like this: http://tinypic.com/684uud.jpg J. Have other Mercs at the base that you can switch to. There would be 6 Mercs (including the original 3) in total but you have to unlock them. K. Be able to unlock super/futuristic weapons once you beat the game for your base. Such as a giant cannon that comes out of the side of a mountain on your base. 10. Customizations: A. Scopes, expanded ammo capacity, expanded ammo cartridges, recoil springs and laser pointers B. Grapple hooks on the front of cars and trucks to pull it up steep terrain. C. Customize armor, suspension, engine, wheels, and transmission D. Be able to add things to change vehicles into amphibious vehicles. E. Be able to add weapons and stuff onto vehicles. F. Be able to customize bulletproof vests so that they last longer. 11. Environment/Peolpe A. A. There should be a way to destroy everything B. All the objects should be realistic on how you are able to destroy them. Like you should be able to run over a wooden fence with a car and buildings and tunnel should go down much easier. C. Be able to go in buildings D. Have more cover from attacks behind sandbags and in trenches. E. Be able to interact with your environment a lot more F. Be able to crawl or crouch G. Be able to use smoke signal when in radar jammed areas (since when do you need radar to see a smoke signal?) H. Things shouldn't be able to defy the laws of gravity. Seeing a vehicle that was dropped bounce back up 500 feet is just plain unrealistic. I. You should be able to see damage to buildings as you get closer to destroying it J. People and vehicles on top of building should get damaged when the building collapses. People should be damaged fatally but you have more health than them on the game so you would survive. Also if people are in a building when it collapses they would die too, including you (you aren’t Superman) L. Be able to destroy things in different ways such as lighting them on fire or blowing them up. They shouldn’t all just be destroyed the same. Like all buildings shouldn’t collapse, they should be able to be lit on fire or blown to smitherings! Also you should be able to damage buildings so that they fall sideways onto other buildings. And stuff like that. K. People in this game shouldn’t act so stupid. Like they shouldn’t cut you off or when they try to get out of your way they shouldn’t drive out right in front of you. L. You should be able to do individual damage to things. Like you should be able to pop someone’s tires or if you shoot a guy in the arm and they don’t die. M. You should be able to collapse tunnels. The ones you drive through. N. You should be able to drive or walk through all vegetation in this game except trees. O. Be able to see whatever is behind your scope. You shouldn’t have blankness when you zoom in on an area. P. Make it so that everyone is marked with a dot on their head of whose faction they are from. The dot would be the main color of that faction. Officers would be marked with a star above their head with a circle of their faction’s color around it. Q. Make the CPUs more aggressive. When they are in using a turret they should fire! R. Have day and night cycles. S. Be able to start fires T. When you aim at something with the laser pointer for the air strike to hit, the laser should go through the target causing the attack to miss! 12. 10. Be able to buy or sell every weapon or vehicle in the game: A. You have to unlock them by progressing through the game or by buying the proper stuff at your HQ Hovercraft Landscape is TOO wide open. Pyongyang is supposed to be large, but it's just a bunch of buildings, and the districts are too far apart. So I basically want a bit more city and wide open areas between cities. Checkpoints can stay the same, because they have the perfect size for checkpoints(a jeep or 2, a tower, etc.) When you capture a card that has a job for the leader(ex. the Diamonds, many of them are in charge of anti-air, recruitment, tanks, etc.), actually show less or poorer performance of these threats. If I capture or kill a tank commander, I want there to be less enemy tanks around. When a faction says they will take over a city after you eliminate the threat, actually take it over! Siniiju is a perfect example, the SK still occupy it after you beat the Chinese mission. Swimming and the ability for boats definetely. It will add a whole new sense of gameplay. What could be better than going through a city right through it's river and gunning down threats on a machine gun nest on the boat? You could have a faction for it even!(Yes, the British Navy are greedy bastards. ) More guns, vehicles, and grenades. Why the hell am I still getting shelled by tank shells even though three cars just blew up right in front of him? Technology now can make it possible to make the AI see like a player in first person(which means if smoke is there, they can't see through it) Machine guns definetely need more accuracy. Although i'm in a chopper, it takes many shots to kill one person. Either make it more accurate or improve gun fire speed by a lot. 3 Levels of authorization. What I mean is, if you work for a faction and do very good jobs with them, they give you access to parts of their territory. 3 levels are inside, and disguising vehicles can disguise you up until their level limit(like a lvl 2 tank can pass through lvls 1 and 2, but will get shot at in 3). And not any old car can get you to the greatest weapons. The factions give you plenty of room to do as you please, but certain things... like blowing up a tent in the Allied HQ ought to lower their disposition. Less time-based side-jobs. Like you could choose to go on a scout or a patrol mission for a faction, and ride around manning the jeeps turret. If you manage to keep the jeep in one piece, and don't bail out and leave em behind you get paid at the end. Also get money deducted for each person with you who gets killed or left behind. Could also do missions similar to the one where you escort the press to various places. Enemy AI can be greatly increased. Your character is able to wield two weapons, so some enemies ought to as well. This would make it tougher later on, as enemies would possess long and short range weapons. Like if you ran up to a guy with a rocket launcher, he might switch to a pistol at short range to try and take you out. Number Cards, in the Deck of 52, shouldn't always be in the same place, in fact, if they moved some it might even be more interesting. Although you want to make them stay as hidden and underground as possible. Interior woulds be interesting, as they would allow more places for enemies and items to hide. Alot more to explore within cities. Things such as sniping from a window of a building would be really cool. Also it'd make demolishing buildings more of a chore, sure you could do it from the outside, but not with just one C4, but if you like went inside and put it on a main support beam, you could take the whole thing out. Would make many things alot more strategic. I want to be able to setup traps like tripwires,pits,frag mines,different kinds of mines with different amounts of damage. Design your own custom force Fully customisable set-ups Technologies to research different units to design Set Factories to constant production placing each factory's units to where you want them I want laser sensors different kinds of grenades booby traps weapon combos tasers stun guns detonators remote controlled bombs magnetic bombs guns that shoot out bombs with timers on them that attach themselves to objects Amphibian technology(water-like):torpedos,spear guns,minature water mines,an assortment of water gear and swim suits,futuristic water weaponry,jumping water mines You should have a 5 to 7 man squad with different specialties that they are go at.You should be able to arm them with as many different weapons as you want as long as they're small and nonconstricting like alot of throwing knives,grenades can decorate your uniform,metal spears,plastic explosives(the kind you can mold),tasers etc Handheld cannons Laser cannons (different strength) Slingshots that use metal balls,explosives or spike balls A gun that shoots bean bags that knocks its victims off balance or knocks them out. A net gun Tripwire so you can set up traps. Remote controlled bombs Different strength flamerthrowers -Different kinds of flamethrowers(power & strength) -Cyborg technology -You should be able to set up a base or fortress -Flammable gel balls you can use with a flare gun.The flammable gel balls should have different strengths and consistencies -Pit traps -Tracking devices,that you can shoot or place on objects or people -Motion sensor traps -All the Elite and Special forces with present and futuristic uniforms -Create a Merc..You should be able to create a mercenary and his squad from scratch -let the different factions be aggressive and hunt you down to capture or destroy your base or squad -You should be able to turn a civilian vehicle into an assault vehicle.You should be able to customize a vehicle with tires,any weapon or kind armour you want -customizing motor homes,RV's,buses,garbage trucks etc;. -the merc members that don't fit into certain vehicles can walk along side of it and follow -Gadgets -Indoor Missions -modified classic weapons (colts,etc;.) -X-ray goggles -rubber bullets to knockdown people -Long coats(trenches) -zip wire) -an inside view of some vehicles(options) -there should be an on board monitor so you can view things from your vehicle. -Customizable motorcycles-you should be able to make them faster, add armor and weapons to motorcycles -3D maps -flying cameras(cyphers) -mobile nuke cannons -magnetic railguns - Exoskeleton technology -the XM-29 -molotovs -m4a1-m203 carbine m4a1 carbine with a m203 grenaade launcher built in Alot of these ideas are from members of the IGN boards. This is a rough draft. [Edited by - POETICDRINK2U on November 2, 2005 8:09:18 PM]
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I have a few ideas for your ace sounding Tactical Shooter!
OK, I think this should be in bullet point form, but I'm going to seperate it into sections. Which are kind of like bullet points, but not quite. They're a little bit different. But not much. I think i'll do a breif description of each section too. Because that'll be nice.
Section 1 : Stuff.
Stuff is very useful in any game. When i say "stuff", i mean.. the things around you. Debris, objects, things. Everything really. But mostly the little things. That's not to say that big things can't be stuff either, of course they can! But it's mostly small things that would fit into a shed.
- You should be able to collect "stuff"
- There should be a skikll/rating system in place to show how good a player is at collecting different types of stuff, or possibly to show who has the most impressive collection of things falling into certain categories.
- Ability to create "stuff". This would obviously depend on respective item/object crafting skills, artisitic skill, and materials required to create the object. And whether you had the required facilities to create the item at your home base, or on your person. Obviously you can't create a +5 beauty/+19 liquid holding glass without a glass blowing skill and the means to melt down some glass!
- Somewhere to show off your "stuff" collections or creations, be this your very own private shed/warehouse/gallery on your own land (we'll get to land ownership later) or a public gallery. Or you could place the objects around your home.
Yes, you read that right... places. That means locations you can visit. Most of these will be neutral, unlike the battlefields upon which the fighting will be done. Places like Pizza Hut, Starbucks, B&Q, and many other randomly selected well known brands should make it into the game's cities. These should be staffed by players (We'll get to jobs later too.)
- Well known brands in-game (as mentioned above)
- If you eat pizza, you get fat! (ala GTA:SA) You then have to go to a gym (someone care to find a big name gym we can include?) to work off those pounds!
- You buy things using real in-game currency (More on currency later).
- "Stuff" shops, where you can buy rare and interesting things!
Not necessarily realting to places, but meh:
- Drinks machines should give out more than one type of drink.
- Drinks machines cans should have textures with resolution of no less than 1024x1024, for easy readability.
- You need ot be able to mix drinks (in crafted drinks containers - see above)
- Alcohol in-game! Guild Wars handles this beautifully... would like to see all games incorporating alcohol and heavy drinking please.
- Full on fluuid dynamics. For everything.
Combat additions
It has long been known that people want to do more things in combat situations.. well here's my ideas :)
- Ability to use everything (yes, that means you can use your "stuff" (created or non) in combat!) to hit people with, throw, set on fire... whatever!
- Assuming you have the right weapon skills, and construction skills, and whatever else may be relevant, you should not only be able to customise weapons, but make them from scratch! Imagine the satisfaction of killing someone with a home-made crossbow!
- Using demolition and intelligence skills, you can make anything into an explosive! "Fire in the hole!" as you throw a teddy bear packed with C4 over a wall!
OK, now i think i'll just break down into random bullet points. I've moreorless run out of categories to put things into properly.
- Ability to stack ball-like or spherical objects onto trays, and create pyramids. Anyone who says they don't want to do this is a leising stubbort. Things you can stack them on should include baking trays and muffin trays. After you've eaten all of the muffins of course (and gone to the big-name-branded gym to work off the pounds!)
- Charity for giving things to "lesser" players. Thse charity points could come in as another currency, which you can sue to buy things. Like tables. Or chess sets.
- Favor with various races and factions in the world. Certain factions paly a great role in the game, by allowing you to do certain things, like the crab people. If they don't like you, you shouldn't be able to strafe. Obviously you can't do things for other factions without the crab people disliking you a bit, so you have to try to maintain a balance of some kind. Some aren't very important at all. Like the llama-protectors of Goor, where there are no llamas (because Goor is a land made up entirely of lava, which llamas aren't particularly fond of).
- Different currencies in-game (mostly for different factions) and therefore a fluctuating set of exchange rates for the player-run currency exchange.
- Player created currencies? Everyone wants to see prices expressed in monkeynuts i'm sure!
- Some factions (such as the fish) people will not have a currency, but will rely on a complex bartering system (which works kind of like a mini-game, more on those later) which revolves around semi-pure bubbles, which they trap using magnets. You can gain favor with the fish peopel by farming these magnets for them, but only if you ahve the related electro-magnetic plant harvesting skills of course. And assuming you can find the correct symettrical bushes. Oterwise they'd just laugh at you. And you'd only attract weed, which is useless apart form for buying carpets with. But that doesn't matter really, as everyone starts off with at least 4.1 carpet mastery anyway.
- Advanced skill maintainance and mutation system. i.e. If you don't keep your skills trained and practiced, then they can start do do unexpected things next time you try!
- Characters with accounts older than 7 minutes owning no less than 4 dogs and proficient befunge skills> can craft bionic IRC servers out of tomatos. But not only tomatoes of course. If they want them to float then they have to use dyed carrots. but tomatoes are a common crafting material, so many people will jsut settle for those.
- Particularly tall persons with minimum +7 ceiling worship skills should be able to convert tomatoes nito anything using a vacuum. Even steel. Which is shiny.
- Spoons make you invincible, but not nearly as invincible as sporks.
- Everything can be a profession. Yes, that even means dyeing carrots for a living if you feel that way inclined (weirdo).
Woo... getting long now. *stops for a can of pixel*
And now i shall continue..
- Religion should play a major part in he game, defining what type of person a character is, what disciplines they follow, when they eat dinner etc. Religion is after all the number 1 reason why wars start...
- Players should be able to create their own religions, setting the deity to worship (if any), disciplines and rituals members must follow, and punishments if they don't. All religions must have NPC followers who will follow the beleifs of the religion fanatically. If it is in the nature of the religion, they will perform peace protests to try to stop war with other religions, others may start riots. It's all up to you.
- Religions are created at a cost of bathtubs. Well... not to start with obviously, i mean.. whon has a bathtub at the start fo the game? So you can create somewhere between 2 and 7 religions form the start, plus one for every bathtbu owned. And maybe nother one if a bathtub has a sink upgrade (but they're hard to come by, unless you have enough tomatoes and the required bathtub customisation and sink mastery skills, or alternavely, if you sacrifice a loaf of bread to the kinf of fences, and it's July. That might work too.)
- If you don't eat enough during the game (or get nourishment in another way) a random player dies. This may sound mean.. but just think... You're not easting, other people are dying. Someone else is thinking the same, and it could be you that dies!
- It's not all bad... when osmeone dies because of you, they are given at least 40 silver telephones. Which is good, because you can refine those (using the correct telephone refinement tools) into materials to create bathtubs from! yay! More religions!
- You should be able to collect "stuff"
- You can harvest spam! Yes.. that means that the 13yr old players will actually be useful! (There's a first time for everything!)
- Ants which build things. Of course. And disguise themselves as lemon crafting manuals, to lure unsuspecting lemon-crafters to their DOOM!
- Tripwires! Triple-barreled ones! And robots. for good measure. Maybe robotic triple-barreled tripwires?
- Intelligent tripwires! They have a sexy voice that says things like... "come on big boy, just give me a little rub with your foot... it turns me ON!" Little do you suspect that turning on a tripwire isn't a good thing..
- People should be able to eat paper.. and write things on walls- not just on paper. You can't eat walls though, you can do anything else to them though..
- People with low wall awareness can't in fact see walls. Those really oblivious to them can't even walk into them!
- Books in the game read people- people do not read books! Except leaflets you can read those- with sunglasses /nightvision. Pamphlets can be read upsidedown-providing they make little sense. Not the green ones though- you can't even like.. open those. Not even with an axe. Or 7 hammers.
- Grass shouldn't just sway randomly - it should be related to the wind
- In fact.. the grass can generate the wind! That way you don't have to use fans. The wind should depend on monsoons too.
- Monsoons can alter the frequency of the grass and thus create different flavours of wind :D
- Mmmmm.... blue noise.
- You can recruit geese into your party as mercs. But only if you're tainted with ebil, and the right shade of ebil at that.
- Trout programmers should be drowned alive.
- Anyone who tries to program an animal should be killed in various horrible fashions. It's jsut not right. Animals have feelings too you know!
- Stuff is very useful in any game. When i say "stuff", i mean.. the things around you. Debris, objects, things. Everything really. But mostly the little things. That's not to say that big things can't be stuff either, of course they can! But it's mostly small things that would fit into a shed.
- You should be able to sicken people in the game imo. (With (EW) copper telephones!)
- Animals should be able to sicken anything (especially geese). This is ok, as no-one cares about geese. Unless they're ebil.
- Religion should play a major part in he game, defining what type of person a character is, what disciplines they follow, when they eat dinner etc. Religion is after all the number 1 reason why wars start...
- Players should be able to create their own religions, setting the deity to worship (if any), disciplines and rituals members must follow, and punishments if they don't. All religions must have NPC followers who will follow the beleifs of the religion fanatically. If it is in the nature of the religion, they will perform peace protests to try to stop war with other religions, others may start riots. It's all up to you.
- Religions are created at a cost of bathtubs. Well... not to start with obviously, i mean.. whon has a bathtub at the start fo the game? So you can create somewhere between 2 and 7 religions form the start, plus one for every bathtbu owned. And maybe nother one if a bathtub has a sink upgrade (but they're hard to come by, unless you have enough tomatoes and the required bathtub customisation and sink mastery skills, or alternavely, if you sacrifice a loaf of bread to the kinf of fences, and it's July. That might work too.)
- At any point in time, when you are desperately annoyed at the game, there can be a button placed precariously close to the main keys used for the game that makes the universe implode. What it doesn't tell you si that this game deletes all of your saves, so you have to start all over again. Makes it more interesting that way.
- Different currencies in-game (mostly for different factions) and therefore a fluctuating set of exchange rates for the player-run currency exchange.
- Player created currencies? Everyone wants to see prices expressed in monkeynuts i'm sure!
- Full on fluuid dynamics. For everything.
- Perhaps we should include the genocide of Geese and the Ebil people into the game...
- Did i mention drinks machines yet? They'd be cool.
Anyway.. I think that's me done for now. I might post more in a bit. Hope you like my ideas!
OK, I think this should be in bullet point form, but I'm going to seperate it into sections. Which are kind of like bullet points, but not quite. They're a little bit different. But not much. I think i'll do a breif description of each section too. Because that'll be nice.
Section 1 : Stuff.
Stuff is very useful in any game. When i say "stuff", i mean.. the things around you. Debris, objects, things. Everything really. But mostly the little things. That's not to say that big things can't be stuff either, of course they can! But it's mostly small things that would fit into a shed.
- You should be able to collect "stuff"
- There should be a skikll/rating system in place to show how good a player is at collecting different types of stuff, or possibly to show who has the most impressive collection of things falling into certain categories.
- Ability to create "stuff". This would obviously depend on respective item/object crafting skills, artisitic skill, and materials required to create the object. And whether you had the required facilities to create the item at your home base, or on your person. Obviously you can't create a +5 beauty/+19 liquid holding glass without a glass blowing skill and the means to melt down some glass!
- Somewhere to show off your "stuff" collections or creations, be this your very own private shed/warehouse/gallery on your own land (we'll get to land ownership later) or a public gallery. Or you could place the objects around your home.
Yes, you read that right... places. That means locations you can visit. Most of these will be neutral, unlike the battlefields upon which the fighting will be done. Places like Pizza Hut, Starbucks, B&Q, and many other randomly selected well known brands should make it into the game's cities. These should be staffed by players (We'll get to jobs later too.)
- Well known brands in-game (as mentioned above)
- If you eat pizza, you get fat! (ala GTA:SA) You then have to go to a gym (someone care to find a big name gym we can include?) to work off those pounds!
- You buy things using real in-game currency (More on currency later).
- "Stuff" shops, where you can buy rare and interesting things!
Not necessarily realting to places, but meh:
- Drinks machines should give out more than one type of drink.
- Drinks machines cans should have textures with resolution of no less than 1024x1024, for easy readability.
- You need ot be able to mix drinks (in crafted drinks containers - see above)
- Alcohol in-game! Guild Wars handles this beautifully... would like to see all games incorporating alcohol and heavy drinking please.
- Full on fluuid dynamics. For everything.
Combat additions
It has long been known that people want to do more things in combat situations.. well here's my ideas :)
- Ability to use everything (yes, that means you can use your "stuff" (created or non) in combat!) to hit people with, throw, set on fire... whatever!
- Assuming you have the right weapon skills, and construction skills, and whatever else may be relevant, you should not only be able to customise weapons, but make them from scratch! Imagine the satisfaction of killing someone with a home-made crossbow!
- Using demolition and intelligence skills, you can make anything into an explosive! "Fire in the hole!" as you throw a teddy bear packed with C4 over a wall!
OK, now i think i'll just break down into random bullet points. I've moreorless run out of categories to put things into properly.
- Ability to stack ball-like or spherical objects onto trays, and create pyramids. Anyone who says they don't want to do this is a leising stubbort. Things you can stack them on should include baking trays and muffin trays. After you've eaten all of the muffins of course (and gone to the big-name-branded gym to work off the pounds!)
- Charity for giving things to "lesser" players. Thse charity points could come in as another currency, which you can sue to buy things. Like tables. Or chess sets.
- Favor with various races and factions in the world. Certain factions paly a great role in the game, by allowing you to do certain things, like the crab people. If they don't like you, you shouldn't be able to strafe. Obviously you can't do things for other factions without the crab people disliking you a bit, so you have to try to maintain a balance of some kind. Some aren't very important at all. Like the llama-protectors of Goor, where there are no llamas (because Goor is a land made up entirely of lava, which llamas aren't particularly fond of).
- Different currencies in-game (mostly for different factions) and therefore a fluctuating set of exchange rates for the player-run currency exchange.
- Player created currencies? Everyone wants to see prices expressed in monkeynuts i'm sure!
- Some factions (such as the fish) people will not have a currency, but will rely on a complex bartering system (which works kind of like a mini-game, more on those later) which revolves around semi-pure bubbles, which they trap using magnets. You can gain favor with the fish peopel by farming these magnets for them, but only if you ahve the related electro-magnetic plant harvesting skills of course. And assuming you can find the correct symettrical bushes. Oterwise they'd just laugh at you. And you'd only attract weed, which is useless apart form for buying carpets with. But that doesn't matter really, as everyone starts off with at least 4.1 carpet mastery anyway.
- Advanced skill maintainance and mutation system. i.e. If you don't keep your skills trained and practiced, then they can start do do unexpected things next time you try!
- Characters with accounts older than 7 minutes owning no less than 4 dogs and proficient befunge skills> can craft bionic IRC servers out of tomatos. But not only tomatoes of course. If they want them to float then they have to use dyed carrots. but tomatoes are a common crafting material, so many people will jsut settle for those.
- Particularly tall persons with minimum +7 ceiling worship skills should be able to convert tomatoes nito anything using a vacuum. Even steel. Which is shiny.
- Spoons make you invincible, but not nearly as invincible as sporks.
- Everything can be a profession. Yes, that even means dyeing carrots for a living if you feel that way inclined (weirdo).
Woo... getting long now. *stops for a can of pixel*
And now i shall continue..
- Religion should play a major part in he game, defining what type of person a character is, what disciplines they follow, when they eat dinner etc. Religion is after all the number 1 reason why wars start...
- Players should be able to create their own religions, setting the deity to worship (if any), disciplines and rituals members must follow, and punishments if they don't. All religions must have NPC followers who will follow the beleifs of the religion fanatically. If it is in the nature of the religion, they will perform peace protests to try to stop war with other religions, others may start riots. It's all up to you.
- Religions are created at a cost of bathtubs. Well... not to start with obviously, i mean.. whon has a bathtub at the start fo the game? So you can create somewhere between 2 and 7 religions form the start, plus one for every bathtbu owned. And maybe nother one if a bathtub has a sink upgrade (but they're hard to come by, unless you have enough tomatoes and the required bathtub customisation and sink mastery skills, or alternavely, if you sacrifice a loaf of bread to the kinf of fences, and it's July. That might work too.)
- If you don't eat enough during the game (or get nourishment in another way) a random player dies. This may sound mean.. but just think... You're not easting, other people are dying. Someone else is thinking the same, and it could be you that dies!
- It's not all bad... when osmeone dies because of you, they are given at least 40 silver telephones. Which is good, because you can refine those (using the correct telephone refinement tools) into materials to create bathtubs from! yay! More religions!
- You should be able to collect "stuff"
- You can harvest spam! Yes.. that means that the 13yr old players will actually be useful! (There's a first time for everything!)
- Ants which build things. Of course. And disguise themselves as lemon crafting manuals, to lure unsuspecting lemon-crafters to their DOOM!
- Tripwires! Triple-barreled ones! And robots. for good measure. Maybe robotic triple-barreled tripwires?
- Intelligent tripwires! They have a sexy voice that says things like... "come on big boy, just give me a little rub with your foot... it turns me ON!" Little do you suspect that turning on a tripwire isn't a good thing..
- People should be able to eat paper.. and write things on walls- not just on paper. You can't eat walls though, you can do anything else to them though..
- People with low wall awareness can't in fact see walls. Those really oblivious to them can't even walk into them!
- Books in the game read people- people do not read books! Except leaflets you can read those- with sunglasses /nightvision. Pamphlets can be read upsidedown-providing they make little sense. Not the green ones though- you can't even like.. open those. Not even with an axe. Or 7 hammers.
- Grass shouldn't just sway randomly - it should be related to the wind
- In fact.. the grass can generate the wind! That way you don't have to use fans. The wind should depend on monsoons too.
- Monsoons can alter the frequency of the grass and thus create different flavours of wind :D
- Mmmmm.... blue noise.
- You can recruit geese into your party as mercs. But only if you're tainted with ebil, and the right shade of ebil at that.
- Trout programmers should be drowned alive.
- Anyone who tries to program an animal should be killed in various horrible fashions. It's jsut not right. Animals have feelings too you know!
- Stuff is very useful in any game. When i say "stuff", i mean.. the things around you. Debris, objects, things. Everything really. But mostly the little things. That's not to say that big things can't be stuff either, of course they can! But it's mostly small things that would fit into a shed.
- You should be able to sicken people in the game imo. (With (EW) copper telephones!)
- Animals should be able to sicken anything (especially geese). This is ok, as no-one cares about geese. Unless they're ebil.
- Religion should play a major part in he game, defining what type of person a character is, what disciplines they follow, when they eat dinner etc. Religion is after all the number 1 reason why wars start...
- Players should be able to create their own religions, setting the deity to worship (if any), disciplines and rituals members must follow, and punishments if they don't. All religions must have NPC followers who will follow the beleifs of the religion fanatically. If it is in the nature of the religion, they will perform peace protests to try to stop war with other religions, others may start riots. It's all up to you.
- Religions are created at a cost of bathtubs. Well... not to start with obviously, i mean.. whon has a bathtub at the start fo the game? So you can create somewhere between 2 and 7 religions form the start, plus one for every bathtbu owned. And maybe nother one if a bathtub has a sink upgrade (but they're hard to come by, unless you have enough tomatoes and the required bathtub customisation and sink mastery skills, or alternavely, if you sacrifice a loaf of bread to the kinf of fences, and it's July. That might work too.)
- At any point in time, when you are desperately annoyed at the game, there can be a button placed precariously close to the main keys used for the game that makes the universe implode. What it doesn't tell you si that this game deletes all of your saves, so you have to start all over again. Makes it more interesting that way.
- Different currencies in-game (mostly for different factions) and therefore a fluctuating set of exchange rates for the player-run currency exchange.
- Player created currencies? Everyone wants to see prices expressed in monkeynuts i'm sure!
- Full on fluuid dynamics. For everything.
- Perhaps we should include the genocide of Geese and the Ebil people into the game...
- Did i mention drinks machines yet? They'd be cool.
Anyway.. I think that's me done for now. I might post more in a bit. Hope you like my ideas!
"Home of the best boxing videogame wishlist on the internet" http://www.operationsports.com/SHAKYR/blog/5522-fight-night-round-5-wishlist-whats-in-the-producers-hands/
Wow, satire.
But seriously, it sounds like you want too much in this game, and it just isn't possible. You have a bunch of great ideas there, but I think it would be a good idea to select a few and foster them individually.
That said, I would really like to play this game if it was made.
But seriously, it sounds like you want too much in this game, and it just isn't possible. You have a bunch of great ideas there, but I think it would be a good idea to select a few and foster them individually.
That said, I would really like to play this game if it was made.
Here are some more ideas for you:
-make the game with realy good graphics.
-make the game realy long.
-make the multiplayer lagless.
Now seriously. You just describe a game made in 10 years by 1000 people for the top class computher of 2020. Anyone can make a good game given enough time and computing power. What you did is just writing a mass of things. This forum is about idea development, not gathering tons of ideas in a single post.
-make the game with realy good graphics.
-make the game realy long.
-make the multiplayer lagless.
Now seriously. You just describe a game made in 10 years by 1000 people for the top class computher of 2020. Anyone can make a good game given enough time and computing power. What you did is just writing a mass of things. This forum is about idea development, not gathering tons of ideas in a single post.
-----------------------------------------Everyboddy need someboddy!
Original post by Vindicare
Hehehe [lol]
POETICDRINK2U: I apologize for posting nothing more than a highly unnecessary comment, just found it amusing. I hope I haven't encouraged the derailment of your thread. Continue.
This thread self-derailed right around "attach dogs... give them guns".
That post looks like you got six wishlists from six different gamers, cut them up, shuffled the pieces, gave them to a blind retard wearing a motorcycle helmet full of angry wasps and posted the result here. Wow.
But here comes a semi-serious response anyway, because I'm feeling somber tonight.
Generally, a lot of your ideas are already present in many games, like landmines and the M203 grenade launcher (which can fire more than HE grenades. Take a look at CTS for some interesting 40mm munitions). Others are tough to implement, like capturing and transporting prisoners (escort duty is super-boring. Ask any cop). Still others are wildly vague and/or incoherent, like "Robots". You seem hesitant to use microwave bombs if they don't exist, but robots and dogs with guns and jetpacks are okay.
You need to stop thinking of this as a game consisting of every cool scene in every movie/game/book/news article you've ever been exposed to, and start thinking of it as a cohesive experience. There are games that let you fight and trade and explore and build and buy (Like X2-The Threat, for instance) but those games are often a pain in the butt to actually play, because there's so much for you to manage. Your trade convoy gets attacked while you're dogfighting with aliens, and you can't just call time-out and redirect your fighter patrols to support the freighters, so you lose three months' profits. Crap.
My advice to you is to get involved in some pen-and-paper role-playing. WIth a human game master, all the crazy ideas you've listed are possible, and you won't have the wildly exploitable game rules. I recommend All Flesh Must Be Eaten, because I love zombies, but anything will do. Heck, you could just get a few friends together, drink six beers each, and have a drunken role-play session, which consists of you taking turns telling a crazy story, and you can add crap in and take it out all you want, so by the end you've got orcs and A-10s duking it out on the moon while three pimps steal the plans for the third Great Wall of China and I bang six moviestars while winning the lottery. Usually, two guys will keep taking out each others' stuff and putting their own back in, so you'll go from the Master Chief killing aliens to him dying and Don Quixote finishing off the aliens and starting on the Basques to Master Chief coming back and punching Quixote out and shooting the Basques to Quixote beating up the Chief to the Chief killing Quixote to the Chief actually turning out to BE Don Quixote to Don Quixote being totally gay to one of your friends punching the other one to a drunken wrestling match to nap time. It's good fun.
That post looks like you got six wishlists from six different gamers, cut them up, shuffled the pieces, gave them to a blind retard wearing a motorcycle helmet full of angry wasps and posted the result here. Wow.
But here comes a semi-serious response anyway, because I'm feeling somber tonight.
Generally, a lot of your ideas are already present in many games, like landmines and the M203 grenade launcher (which can fire more than HE grenades. Take a look at CTS for some interesting 40mm munitions). Others are tough to implement, like capturing and transporting prisoners (escort duty is super-boring. Ask any cop). Still others are wildly vague and/or incoherent, like "Robots". You seem hesitant to use microwave bombs if they don't exist, but robots and dogs with guns and jetpacks are okay.
You need to stop thinking of this as a game consisting of every cool scene in every movie/game/book/news article you've ever been exposed to, and start thinking of it as a cohesive experience. There are games that let you fight and trade and explore and build and buy (Like X2-The Threat, for instance) but those games are often a pain in the butt to actually play, because there's so much for you to manage. Your trade convoy gets attacked while you're dogfighting with aliens, and you can't just call time-out and redirect your fighter patrols to support the freighters, so you lose three months' profits. Crap.
My advice to you is to get involved in some pen-and-paper role-playing. WIth a human game master, all the crazy ideas you've listed are possible, and you won't have the wildly exploitable game rules. I recommend All Flesh Must Be Eaten, because I love zombies, but anything will do. Heck, you could just get a few friends together, drink six beers each, and have a drunken role-play session, which consists of you taking turns telling a crazy story, and you can add crap in and take it out all you want, so by the end you've got orcs and A-10s duking it out on the moon while three pimps steal the plans for the third Great Wall of China and I bang six moviestars while winning the lottery. Usually, two guys will keep taking out each others' stuff and putting their own back in, so you'll go from the Master Chief killing aliens to him dying and Don Quixote finishing off the aliens and starting on the Basques to Master Chief coming back and punching Quixote out and shooting the Basques to Quixote beating up the Chief to the Chief killing Quixote to the Chief actually turning out to BE Don Quixote to Don Quixote being totally gay to one of your friends punching the other one to a drunken wrestling match to nap time. It's good fun.
Are there any game designers or developers here ? I'm confused !?! I surf alot of boards and the responses from them are very encouraging and optimistic.
"Home of the best boxing videogame wishlist on the internet" http://www.operationsports.com/SHAKYR/blog/5522-fight-night-round-5-wishlist-whats-in-the-producers-hands/
Give us a link to the optimistic, encouraging responses you've received. (EDIT: I just visited your website. Ten consecutive posts by you, listing a bunch of names you looked up or found in neat sci-fi, doesn't count as "optimistic feedback" )
I don't even see an idea coherent enough to have an opinion of. You want all this, um, "content" in a single game? Why? How could you play it? Is there a story? Are there characters? Objectives? Gameplay? It's as if you said, "Here's my great movie idea: Gunfights, boobs, car chases, true love, swordfight, cute dog, mean aliens, hovercraft, moon base, bullet-time, Steve McQueen, parallel universe, brilliant directing. How do you like it?"
[Edited by - Iron Chef Carnage on November 2, 2005 9:35:19 PM]
I don't even see an idea coherent enough to have an opinion of. You want all this, um, "content" in a single game? Why? How could you play it? Is there a story? Are there characters? Objectives? Gameplay? It's as if you said, "Here's my great movie idea: Gunfights, boobs, car chases, true love, swordfight, cute dog, mean aliens, hovercraft, moon base, bullet-time, Steve McQueen, parallel universe, brilliant directing. How do you like it?"
[Edited by - Iron Chef Carnage on November 2, 2005 9:35:19 PM]
Original post by POETICDRINK2U
Are there any game designers or developers here ? I'm confused !?! I surf alot of boards and the responses from them are very encouraging and optimistic.
There are quite a lot of designers and developers here, ranging from newbies through to hobbyists, indie developers and a few commercial developers too. I probably fall into the hobbyist category at the moment, although I'm aiming for indie [smile].
Scanning through your list, I have to agree that it reads like a wish-list of a bunch of buzzwords; I've got no idea what your game would be like to actually play. It would take a huge team of skilled developers decades to implement that whole list.
I would scale down that list to the bare minimum gameplay elements that you want to include in your game. Be harsh. You can put the other elements into two other lists; "highly desirable gameplay elements" and "things I'd like to include if I had time". Throw away that last list of things you'd like to include; you won't ever have the time to implement it. Then throw away the list of of highly desirable gameplay elements, because you wont have time to implement that as well.
I also agree that it all seems a bit too similar to a huge number of other games. You need a gameplay element that will really make your game stand out, preferably something no-one else has done. Pick a single unique gameplay element to build around, as that will make your game implementation less likely to fail.
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