
Got the forum to myself...

Started by October 29, 2005 05:40 PM
2 comments, last by GiantPaul 18 years, 11 months ago
Although a few have allegedly submitted their entries and should have time again, this is a bit of a ghost-forum. Obviously most of us have no time to mess about here; and maybe those who finished are crashed out in a caffeine and sleep-deprived state. Probably they are gibbering. But since I'm uploading a 4Mb file (stripped out the music) on dialup for my modeller to tweak I have nothing better to do for 25min. It's not a drunk post but a dead-tired post, which shares some similarities - rambling on and I doubt I'll remember typing this 2mrw. I got up at 0630 and it's currently 2338 Saturday. I've worked constantly that whole time apart from food/bathroom breaks - If I can still do arithmetic that means I coded for approx 15-16 hours today. And I've been getting up at 0545 for the last 3 weeks to squeeze in 90min coding before breakfast and leaving for my programming job. Do I get the prize for 'most effort' - I figure I damn well deserve something! Oh, it's still only 2.8Mb in. Assuming it doesn't break before the end... I'm half tempted to give away the upload url since it's too late for anyone to nick ideas, but it's not yet good enough to face the world. By which I mean that I'm a perfectionist, not that it isn't good. I've had to learn enough AI for a RTS game in the last 4 days - that's when I actually started on the AI code! Today was spet on the horrednous job of putting a campaign system and mission briefing together. Tomorrow is probably 18 hours again, of AI, sound, tuning, twekaing, playing with the installer. Then any time on Monday I'll fine-tune a bit more. Night night.
You definitely earned my respect! Hope you earn a lot more in the actual competition.
d000hg, congrats on entering 4e4. I wish everyone the best for the contest and we'll see how this goes. ;)
Are we required to show frames per second on the screen? I saw some entries display: f/s 60.57

Will every single entry be available for download including the ones which are disqualified?

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