Quote:Original post by sunandshadow I'm sorry, but [sick]! "From a writer's perspective that isn't really a good thing" is a massive understatement. Aside from the fact that games come in a whole spectrum of genres (hero's journey, action, crime, mystery, comedy, etc.), even if you want to call the RPG plot a genre, nobody LIKES those stories, so generating them would be inherently a failure and interactive games of that type would not be an improvement on existing games at all. |
This is getting a bit off-topic, but I think I do understand your opinion here; frankly I don't particularly like a lot of the stories that are presented in todays RPGs, and I'd think a writer might be even more annoyed at what passes for narrative in today's games (however
someone must be liking them, otherwise they wouldn't still be making and selling them). I just find it interesting that the same plot elements keep coming up again and again in the games that I play. I guess it's because most game writers, being fans of games, like the elements they see in the games that they play, and so include them again and again in their own stories. And so genres of game storytelling are born. I just find it fascinating from a cultural analysis perspective how these things form.
Now I'd better get back on topic [smile].
Quote:You missed my point. I am saying, I believe my approach is a universal theory of plot which is not to vague to be implemented as a program. I personally would NOT be happy with a well-defined subset of stories, ESPECIALLY if it's the hero's journey or cliche game story subset. So could you let me present my approach to a universal theory of plot before you decide it's impractical to try to implement?
I do understand why, from a writer's perspective, generating those kinds of stories would be considered a failure. I've had discussions with other writers, and I've noticed there's a huge opposition to any over-formalised theory of plot structure. From what they've said, I think it's because those structures (Propp, Campbell etc.) put too many restrictions on the types of stories they rely to (please correct me if I'm wrong in your case). And it's not really furthering the scope of narrative if a story engine is just generating tons of stories of a type that have already been written.
But after trying to think of methods to make a model that can handle deep dramatic stories, these days I don't think I can do it; at least not as a first attempt. I think I have to aim a lot lower. Since the stories in games are fairly cliche, I think I could create a system that generates "game stories". The advantage of choosing that as a medium is the result will be regognised as "game-like" by the audience. To put it bluntly, I'm hoping the low expectations for game stories will help people ignore the flaws in an interactive storytelling system that's geared towards games. Once I've managed to solve the technical problems, then I can consider how to apply that to creating better forms of drama. From my perspective, it would be better to get working interactive stories on the dramatic level of Pokemon than keep failing at generating interactive Shakespeare [smile].
But I'm certainly not wanting to dismiss your theory of game plot (and I'm sorry if I gave that impression)! I'm also not wanting to limit the scope of interactive storytelling to simply game stories or the "hero's journey" epic types (in fact I'm not sure I'll follow that model, mainly because it's also quite complex [smile]; however, your story-as-a-circle element is still viable for the domains I'm considering). I was just stating that for me, I think I'll have to pick a very limited model for my first attempt. I regognise that other people will have different aims and approaches, and I'm happy to discuss interactive storytelling in general without closing my mind to other people's opinions. And of course it's possible that with your insights into writing models it might solve some of the problems I've had with infusing interactive storytelling with some proper dramatic techniques. So I really would like to read your (and everyone else's) opinion!
Quote:With your model, would the island be potentially extended by adding more rooms if necessary? |
Not by adding more rooms, but by adding another island. Or to put it in a more realist setting, say instead of an island our initial setting was one floor of a skyscraper. This floor functions as a complete level. When the player completes the level, the game has to generate a new level. The game could then choose to have the player take the stairs to the next floor of the skyscraper, or take the elevator to the city street outside the skyscraper, or even have a helicopter arrive at the window and take the player to some other building miles away. |
Yes, I definitely agree with that. So to put it in slightly more poetic terms, the island is the fixed portion of reality in a swirling sea of potentiality, and the player's choice will force a new island to be formed out of the possible set of potential islands. This is pretty much what I think needs to be done.
Quote: "Rooms" here are not literal rooms with walls and stuff, they are the area of game which fits on one screen (including scrolling). Basically whatever area the player can explore without going through a doorway or something to get to a different screen. |
I'm not sure about including implementation specific details such as whatever can fit on one screen in the model. In my model, I included everything that the player could get to without difficulty as one "room". So if the player could walk from one side of a continent to the other, everything they passed would be considered in the same "room" with regards to the model, but if they had to solve a puzzle to enter a building, the interior of that building would be a separate "room". However, if travelling is a burden on the player (through random encounters, or just takes a long time), then it might be better to split the world up as you've done.
Quote:I don't believe it's possible to have the initial incident happen after the start of the game, because the initial incident is the first thing our plot-engine is generating, and it will in turn determine the setting of the game including the contents of the room and possibly aspects of the PC. If you want to test the player through gameplay let's do that in a tutorial level which is part of the character creation phase and not part of the game itself. So please consider the actual start of the game to be when our plot engine generates an initial incident and an initial setting to go with it. It is not necessary to tell the player about the initial incident immediately, but the initial setting will inevitably communicate something about what it is/will be. |
I'm still not sure whether I agree with this; in my model I'd probably have a "state zero" that just consists of the background information, with the initial incident causing the world to move to "state one". That way I could put in some choices before the creation of the initial incident.
However, for the purposes of discussing this model, I'm happy to include the initial incident in the start, as it's only a minor detail and won't affect discussing the rest of the system (I don't particuarly want the model to get stuck on this point [smile]).