Original post by Vopisk
Vader knows that these certain children are going to cause him problems down the road. Being that he is "evil" in the cartoonish sort of way, or maybe as others have said "morally unrestrained" he chooses to eliminate the threat before it truly becomes a threat.
That was pretty much my point. What people term as evil is usually just an easier, less impressive method to reach the goal. It just goes to show that the good guy is too superior to challenge on equal ground. My idea of a really cool bad guy is one who is mean enough to not have to cheat. One who isn't evil, just rough and determined. His goals conflict with the good guy's goals. This is the type of bad guy who good guys should fear. Not the ones who take short cuts.
Take the game "Hitman" for example, you play a hired assassin. Evil enough right? But we can rationalize it. Hitman needs to eat, hitman must work to have money to eat, hitman only knows how to kill people, therefore, Hitman's killing of others is merely a survival instinct, therefore, not evil as we already discussed Vampires earlier.
Right, but that has been my point. No such thing as evil. You can always replace 'evil' with another word. Think up an evil action, replace evil with another word. Why did they choose the evil choice? What made them go in that direction? If that word sounds degrading to the bad guy, don't impliment the action. Then you'll have what I consider a great bad guy.