
Some tips for Visual Studio Users

Started by October 02, 2005 02:48 PM
17 comments, last by Name_Unknown 18 years, 11 months ago
BLAH [Edited by - Name_Unknown on October 3, 2005 9:43:05 PM]
"It's such a useful tool for living in the city!"
I got Fedora Core 4 setup on a box.
My university proffs always use EMacs on Mandriva when doing personal programming but often have us use KATE from KDE.

I've been curious to work with Emacs it does look rather powerful but I had no idea it was a comparison to Visual Studio's...

I guess I'll give it a shot, altho I'm pretty happy with Eclipse and Kate as my IDE.
Quote: Original post by Name_Unknown
Emacs is a complete operating system.

Too bad it lacks a decent text editor.

--AnkhSVN - A Visual Studio .NET Addin for the Subversion version control system.[Project site] [IRC channel] [Blog]

[Edited by - Name_Unknown on October 3, 2005 9:34:19 PM]
"It's such a useful tool for living in the city!"
How can I get indentation behavior to match VS?
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
Quote: Original post by Promit
How can I get indentation behavior to match VS?


[Edited by - Name_Unknown on October 3, 2005 9:22:34 PM]
"It's such a useful tool for living in the city!"
Advertisement's the make files that get me... I like my clever gui based Visual Studio project files... letting you get on with coding rather then coding a file to say how to compile projects. And Visual Studios built in debugger letting you step in to things and following execution along with lines in the source - along with watch variables and all that.

I'm not up on the Linux side of things, I've heard of KDevelop though, any good?

I expect whenever I seriously want to get in to Linux development I'll buy a book on it, anyone recommend anything to anyone reading this thread?
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Original post by paulecoyote's the make files that get me... I like my clever gui based Visual Studio project files... letting you get on with coding rather then coding a file to say how to compile projects. And Visual Studios built in debugger letting you step in to things and following execution along with lines in the source - along with watch variables and all that.

I'm not up on the Linux side of things, I've heard of KDevelop though, any good?


[Edited by - Name_Unknown on October 3, 2005 9:09:52 PM]
"It's such a useful tool for living in the city!"
I've been using EMACS at university for over 2 years and i dont rate it at all. It is pretty easy to break and the learning curve is so steep that more time went into learning it than doing our projects. What we lacked at uni was an IDE that basically does everything that Visual Studio does. It narked me off proper that we spent hours learning about command line compiling when these days it shouldn't be about that.

Quote: Original post by ace_lovegrove
I've been using EMACS at university for over 2 years and i dont rate it at all. It is pretty easy to break and the learning curve is so steep that more time went into learning it than doing our projects. What we lacked at uni was an IDE that basically does everything that Visual Studio does. It narked me off proper that we spent hours learning about command line compiling when these days it shouldn't be about that.


Blah blah this is a waste of effort.

Em4cs sux0rs. Em4cs is t0o h4rd. Long live Visual Studio!

"It's such a useful tool for living in the city!"

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