Quote:Original post by FroZtByte I'm working on a similar thing, but rather than it being agent based and having each agent having needs/etc, it's RTS based AI, then another layer on top of that which manages the world ala Civ (There's a limited number of build points per world-square, so it's easier to manage than if you could build wherever you like). Then another layer on top of that which is the story generation (based on Joseph Campbell's 'hero with a thousand faces' monomyth) and hero units will propel the storyline (and may step in if the simulation gets in the way of what it wants to tell). |
You're right; I'm thinking of having a simple agent based model, sort of like a simplified and adapted version of the Sims, to run the characters. Then I'll be adding a drama manager layer on the top of that. I haven't yet figured out how many layers I need (the drama manager might be multilayered), since I'm going to figure out the details of the domain first. The drama will be based on my own symbol system, however, loosely based on Propp's Morphology of the Folktale but adapted to a different domain.
Quote:And each culture will evolve according to a tech tree, where if you decide to go down the secular-tech route, magic things will be cut off, and if you decide to go down the shamanist-tribal route, tech things will be cut off.. and everywhere in between. |
Whoa! That's a little bit much, isn't it? I'd have thought getting a Campbellian based story system working would be trouble enough! [grin]
Quote:The series of books by Joseph Campbell (Again), The Masks of God (the first book is about 500 pages, the last about 700, it's about 2500 in total.. not a brief read), is what I'm basing the myth/culture system on. The books cover about 10,000 years of myth and culture and it's pretty comprehensive about the evolution of myth and society around myth. |
I have read a couple of Campbell's books, although they are pretty heavy going. Instead I've studied Vogler's adaptation of Campbell to film a lot closer, since that's easier to understand and the film adaptation is, in my opinion, a lot easier to adapt to games.
Quote:And I'm even going as far as, if you go down the myth/religion/magic route, the gods that grant you your power will even change. So you may start off with a shamanist culture where you have a trickster god, like Loki or the Titans, then if your culture becomes a 'planter' culture, the gods of order will appear, like Zeus, and there will be strife between the two with the eventual banishment of the trickster god to a prison (Hel/Hell/etc)... This could also spark off new story generation, with you as a hero making a difference to which side wins. |
This is the sort of thing that's the whole reason for me trying this sim, although my stories will be more RPG based and less mythology. But it's hard going to get the whole thing to work, so I'm not expecting to get it finished anytime soon.
Quote:And I've completely ignored the original question with how big a world should be. In my case, you might have a max of a few hundred units per square, not being able to send any more squads/legions/etc into a certain square until there's less units there. (I realise this kinda kicks the realism, but it adds another dimension to the strategy, on the world level.) |
I suspect that the individual characters would have to be very abstract if you have a few hundred units per square. I am wanting a more Sims approach, with each character having a little (if simple) personality of their own, so I'll be sticking to a couple of dozen for now.
If you are interested, I had a thread a where I listed a number of
interactive storytelling resources, which I like to link to whenever someone else seems to be working in the same area. Since you're already deep into Campbell you've probably already looked at most of these, but it could be some use to you.
Best of luck! It's always good to know there are other people as mad as me attempting something on this scale.