
Your Progress so Far?

Started by September 26, 2005 05:01 AM
38 comments, last by rKallmeyer 18 years, 11 months ago
Well, we're in the final week in September, and there's only one month left for the contest deadline. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to do much, due to my work and all. Who's still confident of getting an entry in on or before the deadline?
Doing my best, but confident.... no :-/
Will get something in. I reckon the last few days I'll have to make serious choices about trying to submit a polished game with few features, or a tech-demo with interesting ones. I guess as far as the competition rules go, more like a commercial game (ie the former) is desirable.
Although my artist/modeller seems to have gone AWOL so maybe it'll be retitled 'Boxwar' [smile]
I was going for having the full version of the game to be submitted, but now it seems I can only manage a playable demo. It won't have all the features and stuff, but the keyfeatures are included. I wish luck to everyone!

We are going strong and for the last two weeks have been operating in overdrive to get finished. It will be close for us to get done with the quality we want, but I'm sure we will get there.

I'm just not allowed to sleep until November:)
These past few weeks have been full of schoolwork from college as well as work, but I am determined to get something in by the deadline.

I am having to strip out a plethora of things I was planning to have in the game.
Well I'm going to have a kick ass audio framework thats for sure. As for game? I'm going to give it a shot!
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I'm going to submit a playable demo (probably only about 3 maps), with only a couple of basic units. I'll try to get something in by the deadline, but no promises...
i'm going to submit a complete game before the deadline - i hope. i started about two weeks ago but i haven't been very serious about this contest until a week ago.

[Edited by - skyfire on September 27, 2005 2:39:36 PM]
while we're on this long is the play time for your games?

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