Original post by fastlane69
-With death, you get to introduce the idea of a soul as the eternal core of your individuality. The gameplay possiblities here are endless.
I'd be happy to hear any ideas you have in this area. I've been trying to weave in the idea that all souls are somehow connected, but the idea is a bit unweildy because it means you're both the good and bad guys. (So if your enemy kills you, can you take over as your enemy? Don't see that working.)
-The soul could hold your stats through reincarnation. Everytime you die and come back, you keep and build up on those stats (similar to the Shattered Galaxy system of reincarnation)
This I'm most curious about. How did this work?
-During normal gameplay (ala Black and White), your soul accumulates a share of good and evil. Your choices upon reincarnation are based on your accumulated Karma...if you have an abundance of good (or evil), you come back as a higher level good(or evil) character. If you don't accumulate any good or evil, you come back as the same or a lower level character (for example if you go from having lots of Bad Karma to having a balance you go from being a Extremely high level Evil character to a relativiely weak neutral character)
This is good to think about, and a direction I've been debating for awhile now. Where I'm stuck is first is this:
1) Is a soul really necessary, or can players identify with just playing multiple characters who have the chance to affect humanity's destiny?
2) If you do have a soul or you're some energy lifeform or whatever, is that too esoteric for gamers to understand? What will gamers even be able to say something like, "I died in the battle for Mars when the Hegemon attacked, then was reborn 200 years later as a Hegemon soldier..." or will that be too weird?
3) If there's a soul, I want it to represent human potential increasing (for good or evil). So does this mean that humans have "stat caps" and as you level, the stat caps get released? For you only? Or for everyone?
-Given that alot of companies keep the in game IP, it would be interesting to implement a system where your dying in-game is the only way to release the IP so you can use it off-line. Perhaps you can then sell your character and then give the character a small penelty to reincarnate.
I think you're thinking MMO, which is definitely too big for me right now unfortunately. (Cool idea, though.)
[Edited by - Wavinator on October 3, 2005 1:50:30 AM]