
SDL and OpenGL

Started by September 17, 2005 09:34 PM
4 comments, last by 19 years, 4 months ago
Hello, I'm trying to get OpenGL to work in my apps in ubuntu Linux but I'm not doing too well. If I try and run a 3D game such as Doom 3 everything works fine and smooth but when I try to make an app that uses OpenGL all I get is a blank screen. At first I think maybe it is my code but I downloaded a few tutorial demos from nehe website and I get the same results, a black screen. Here is output from running glxinfo

name of display: :0.0
display: :0  screen: 0
direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
server glx version string: 1.3
server glx extensions:
    GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig,
    GLX_SGIX_pbuffer, GLX_SGI_video_sync, GLX_SGI_swap_control,
    GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_NV_float_buffer
client glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
client glx version string: 1.3
client glx extensions:
    GLX_ARB_get_proc_address, GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_EXT_visual_info,
    GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_EXT_import_context, GLX_SGI_video_sync,
    GLX_NV_swap_group, GLX_NV_video_out, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig, GLX_SGIX_pbuffer,
    GLX_SGI_swap_control, GLX_NV_float_buffer
GLX extensions:
    GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_SGIX_fbconfig,
    GLX_SGIX_pbuffer, GLX_SGI_video_sync, GLX_SGI_swap_control,
    GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_NV_float_buffer, GLX_ARB_get_proc_address
OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL renderer string: GeForce FX 5700LE/AGP/SSE/3DNOW!
OpenGL version string: 1.5.3 NVIDIA 71.74
OpenGL extensions:
    GL_ARB_depth_texture, GL_ARB_fragment_program,
    GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow, GL_ARB_fragment_shader, GL_ARB_imaging,
    GL_ARB_multisample, GL_ARB_multitexture, GL_ARB_occlusion_query,
    GL_ARB_point_parameters, GL_ARB_point_sprite, GL_ARB_shadow,
    GL_ARB_shader_objects, GL_ARB_shading_language_100,
    GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp, GL_ARB_texture_compression,
    GL_ARB_texture_cube_map, GL_ARB_texture_env_add,
    GL_ARB_texture_env_combine, GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3,
    GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat, GL_ARB_texture_rectangle,
    GL_ARB_transpose_matrix, GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object,
    GL_ARB_vertex_program, GL_ARB_vertex_shader, GL_ARB_window_pos,
    GL_S3_s3tc, GL_EXT_texture_env_add, GL_EXT_abgr, GL_EXT_bgra,
    GL_EXT_blend_color, GL_EXT_blend_func_separate, GL_EXT_blend_minmax,
    GL_EXT_blend_subtract, GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array, GL_EXT_Cg_shader,
    GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test, GL_EXT_draw_range_elements, GL_EXT_fog_coord,
    GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays, GL_EXT_packed_pixels, GL_EXT_paletted_texture,
    GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object, GL_EXT_point_parameters,
    GL_EXT_rescale_normal, GL_EXT_secondary_color,
    GL_EXT_separate_specular_color, GL_EXT_shadow_funcs,
    GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette, GL_EXT_stencil_two_side,
    GL_EXT_stencil_wrap, GL_EXT_texture3D, GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc,
    GL_EXT_texture_cube_map, GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp,
    GL_EXT_texture_env_combine, GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3,
    GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, GL_EXT_texture_lod,
    GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias, GL_EXT_texture_object, GL_EXT_vertex_array,
    GL_HP_occlusion_test, GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip,
    GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat, GL_KTX_buffer_region, GL_NV_blend_square,
    GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color, GL_NV_depth_clamp, GL_NV_fence,
    GL_NV_float_buffer, GL_NV_fog_distance, GL_NV_fragment_program,
    GL_NV_fragment_program_option, GL_NV_half_float, GL_NV_light_max_exponent,
    GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint, GL_NV_occlusion_query,
    GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil, GL_NV_pixel_data_range, GL_NV_point_sprite,
    GL_NV_primitive_restart, GL_NV_register_combiners,
    GL_NV_register_combiners2, GL_NV_texgen_reflection,
    GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc, GL_NV_texture_env_combine4,
    GL_NV_texture_expand_normal, GL_NV_texture_rectangle,
    GL_NV_texture_shader, GL_NV_texture_shader2, GL_NV_texture_shader3,
    GL_NV_vertex_array_range, GL_NV_vertex_array_range2, GL_NV_vertex_program,
    GL_NV_vertex_program1_1, GL_NV_vertex_program2,
    GL_NV_vertex_program2_option, GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap,
    GL_SGIS_texture_lod, GL_SGIX_depth_texture, GL_SGIX_shadow,
glu version: 1.3
glu extensions:
    GLU_EXT_nurbs_tessellator, GLU_EXT_object_space_tess

   visual  x  bf lv rg d st colorbuffer ax dp st accumbuffer  ms  cav
 id dep cl sp sz l  ci b ro  r  g  b  a bf th cl  r  g  b  a ns b eat
0x21 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x22 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x23 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x24 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x25 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x26 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x27 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x28 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x29 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x2a 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4  0  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x2b 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4  0  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x2c 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4  0  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x2d 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4  0  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x2e 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  2 1 Ncon
0x2f 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  2 1 Ncon
0x30 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  4 1 Ncon
0x31 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  4 1 Ncon
0x32 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  2 1 Ncon
0x33 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  2 1 Ncon
0x34 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  4 1 Ncon
0x35 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  4 1 Ncon
0x36 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  2 1 Ncon
0x37 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  2 1 Ncon
0x38 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  4 1 Ncon
0x39 24 tc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  4 1 Ncon
0x3a 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  2 1 Ncon
0x3b 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  2 1 Ncon
0x3c 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  4 1 Ncon
0x3d 24 tc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  4 1 Ncon
0x3e 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x3f 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x40 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x41 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x42 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x43 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x44 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x45 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4  0  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x46 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4  0  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x47 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4  0  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x48 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4  0  0 16 16 16 16  0 0 None
0x49 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  2 1 Ncon
0x4a 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  2 1 Ncon
0x4b 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  4 1 Ncon
0x4c 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  4 1 Ncon
0x4d 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  2 1 Ncon
0x4e 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  2 1 Ncon
0x4f 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  4 1 Ncon
0x50 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 24  8 16 16 16 16  4 1 Ncon
0x51 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  2 1 Ncon
0x52 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  2 1 Ncon
0x53 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  4 1 Ncon
0x54 24 dc  0 32  0 r  y  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  4 1 Ncon
0x55 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  2 1 Ncon
0x56 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  2 1 Ncon
0x57 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  0  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  4 1 Ncon
0x58 24 dc  0 32  0 r  .  .  8  8  8  8  4 16  0 16 16 16 16  4 1 Ncon

If I try to retrive my driver version by doing a:

printf("Version: %s\n", glGetString(GL_VERSION));
I get "null" as output Before setting the VideoMode I query for video info and it detects no hardware surfaces and no hardware blits. Anyone know what can be wrong?
First, check the locations of the OpenGL libraries you are or SDL is linking to. Depending on how your system is installed (and how you or apt installed the drivers), conflicting libraries come up occasionally. You can check by running "ldd yourprogram" in a terminal. Look at the line with on it. Then do the same with a program that does work. Is the library path the same?
ALl point to the same paths.
Calling any OpenGL functions prior to SDL_SetVideoMode() is *supposed* to fail, because no OpenGL context exists at that time. You are only allowed to call glFoo() type functions *after* you've created a GL context, i.e. after the call to SDL_SetVideoMode().

Widelands - laid back, free software strategy

Calling any OpenGL functions prior to SDL_SetVideoMode() is *supposed* to fail, because no OpenGL context exists at that time. You are only allowed to call glFoo() type functions *after* you've created a GL context, i.e. after the call to SDL_SetVideoMode().

I do call gl functions after I setup a GL context and not before.

The problem was I had to download the nvidia-glx-dev package, guess I was using the wrong development files.

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