Original post by kseh About 100 different types of critters run around the game world. Each type is playable and each have different combinations of abilities. Use these critters to solve a large number of puzzles through out the game world to some ultimate goal (I'm thinking escape from a spaceship or something).
Lemmings RPG?
[s]I am a signature virus. Please add me to your signature so that I may multiply.[/s]I am a signature anti-virus. Please use me to remove your signature virus.
I had an idea sort of flushed out for a Web-based real-time political game. You start out on the map in a randomly generated area. When the game starts, there are no cities or states or countries; the players must build them. But once all of the planet's space is filled, new players start out as people in other player's nations. To start, you build a villa, then a town, then city, then state/county, etc. NPC 'people' start to follow you based on a huge variety of stats. You choose eductaton plans, laws, miliary spending, budget, etc etc. The player is allowed to do whatever they want pretty mch. If you want all crimes punishable by death, you can do that. It'll cut down on crime, but will also require more military power since at any time, your peons could try to overthrow you. Or, be a good ruler. I need to learn more about politics in the real world, and apply it to the game. You can run a dictatorship, democracy, theology, etc all based on the laws and regulations you create. Also, you have stats declaring your citizen's approval rating (If you're an evil dictator, dont be suprised to see 100% approval). Dont forget, tho: You can lose your seat of power at any time for many reasons: a civil uprising, losing a national war, being invaded... Then you start over.
Now as players are rising to fame, they can start trade regulations, diplomacies, treaties, wars, invasions, or whatever on other players' nations. But since its web-based, itll be semi-real time. When you declare war, it may be still a few day's worth of time before you're even moving troops into enemy territory. Ive got lots of ideas about war.
Finally, there's gotta be a 'news paper'. Players can choose settings to decide what sort of news reaches them: News on thier continent, world news, new from natoins within an xx radius of theirs, and so on.
Overall, I'm imagining a realistic version of Risk.
Non Stop Akimbo Action You shoot yourself through the levels with two weapons at all times. You can carry 2 extra weapons if you want(plus 2 bonus weapons). Every weapon has unlimmited ammo except the bonus weapons. With a bonus weapon picked up it is imppossible to switch to a standard weapon. Weapons currently includes such as 9mm, magnum, smg, uzi and sawed-off. The only bonus weapon that I can think of is a grenade launcher but I'm sure there can be more.
The key gameplay here is that you don't aim at the enemies(unless you look at an enemy?), the hero does that for you. Your job is to consentrate at shooting the enemies, avoiding their attacks, doing incredible stunts and evading traps(ala PoP).
The hero, or more to the point his arms, targets the closest enemy in the territory of the arm. Ie the left arm targets the closest enemy on the left side, and the right arm targets the closest enemy on the right side. Enemies can easily be pretty boring, so I've designed IMHO great enemies that doesn't rely on aiming at them. Theese include robots, soldiers and ninjas.
the computer chooses three random numbers between 1 and 10 and then you get to guess three of your own. You have to pay for each chance to guess, but if you guess correctly you win a lot of money. No wait, this sounds like a really stupid game. Ok how about one where you buy chances to scratch stuff off a card... nevermind.
[s]I am a signature virus. Please add me to your signature so that I may multiply.[/s]I am a signature anti-virus. Please use me to remove your signature virus.
The world itself is like an RTS game (kind of like Age of Empires) where buildings cost money and resources like wood, gold, and food exist.
There are three types of players, Rulers, Officials, and Citizens. Rulers see the world like an RTS and get to place buildings and spend money from taxes or government-made revenue. They make some laws, decide where buildings are made, declare war on other Rulers and stuff.
Officials get orders and money from Rulers and then can hire Citezens or NPCs to get stuff done. So if a Ruler wants stone to build a temple, he hires one official to mine the stone and another to build the temple. The official gets the tools and men to do the work and stuff.
Officials can also own businesses and stuff for themselves and hire NPCs and Citezens to do what they want, but their resources and options are generally less than Rulers.
Citezens are basically everyone else. Some can wander around having adventures and others can look for jobs made by the Rulers and Officials. They have stats, skills and equipments and can work on different classes. So players can become proffesional builders to make buildings or be thieves, soldiers, etc.
Players can change their levels in different ways:
1. Choose a fitting account: Citezen Accounts are pretty cheap, Official accounts are a little more and Ruler accounts are a bit more pricey.
2. Some sort of in-game quest: A citezen can become an Official by a good reputation while Officials can become Rulers through in-game elections. Promotions made through in-game quests can be lost if you lose rep or lose an election.
Second idea
A pretty standard RTS game but the units say things when things happen.
For example: A villager sees a new fruit tree: "Ohhh... Apples! [sound of him eating a juicy apple]"
A hunter sees a deer: "Look a deer... we're having venison tonight!"
A woodcutter runs out of trees: "I've heard of not seeing the forest for the trees but THIS is ridiculous!"
A shepherd sees a wolf: "Wolf! Wolf! And I'm not kidding this time, honest!"
A villager sees a different-colored unit: "Hmmm... are you new around here?"
Blue-colored unit sees Red-colored military units attacking: "The Red-coats are coming! The Red-coats are coming!"
Unit catches on fire during a battle: "Ahhh! I smell like hotdogs now!"
Also, you can choose the language your side speaks in. So you can have your units speak Spanish.
Villager sees a chicken: "Aha! Un Pollo! [sound of chicken cluking]"
I can't think of any other spanish phrases at the moment. =======
I had an idea for a fighting game where you are matched up against demons and defeating the demons sends you into some sort of warp where you become that demon. You would start off with some small imp and work your way up to demons with incredible powers. Becoming the defeated demon gives you access to it's abilities, of course.
There's a catch, however. While you are fighting the demon, the game records your actions. It doesn't record every move verbatim, but rather records your reactions and timing in relation to the actions of the demon you are fighting. If you win, you can't just BECOME the demon because you've killed him. Instead, you become the demon's past. The only way for you to go on living as the demon is to (you guessed it) defeat YOURSELF. The enemy AI is really trying to mimick you're own moves in an attempt to defeat you. So, in every match, you're really just fighting yourself. The better you fight, the harder you have it next time around.
I'm curious as to how effective such an AI would really be. Hmmm.
You are the ruler of an underground civilization, and you develop your city and make war on other cities by blocking tunnels, digging, sending military units through afforementioned tunnels, and blowing stuff up. you could use sonar to see your enemie's tunnels, but not without him seeing your tunnels.
The world is a frozen ocean planet. The race is one that live *upside down* on the underside of the ice.
A couple of interesting scenarios in the world:
Hard rocks float through the surface (really sinking to us) and fall upwards to the atmosphere
Gas will always fall to the lowest point and splash.
There is a definite ceiling to their atmosphere.
No fire is because it is underwater.
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