
[4E4] On Target?

Started by September 01, 2005 08:10 AM
12 comments, last by d000hg 19 years, 1 month ago
Well I am proud to say I am almost 2 weeks ahead of schedule now. My schedule doesn not include work at weekends so if I get some mores tuff done today and tomorrow as well as other weekends I'll be flying.

I reckon that I will get the entry deadline but it won't have all the levels planned, I am just trying to get some content done for next week now too.

I now have a friend interested in making maps which means I can do all the coding without worrying about that. Also I am taking advantage of all the great free models and textures I can find, All the creators will get full credit for them.

I am planning on implementing the final part of the physics into the game. Some of the maps my mate has planned would make some cool gameplay if I get the physics right.

Anyway, it's saturday, i'm off for a rest and then pub lol.

Good luck all.
I've had 3 months of 60-80 hour weeks at work. So I am about two months behind schedule - I havn't touched my 4E4 code in about 2 months.

I will however get something done for the contest - I've done enough 48hour Game Dev contests to know that I can get something finished in time :)
I, too, was on target. Then college started. [bawling] And, well, maybe next year (although I'm still going to give it a shot. [smile])

Best of luck to all the competitors. I'm really looking forward to seeing these entries. I think they're going to rock.
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
I didn't put a proper plan together since I knew I'd have no time to start with.
Still coding core code but have a lot more time now.

We'll get something in which isn't too shoddy I think - I'm really looking forward to seeing Keratin's models in-game since they continue to look great. Sirob's building a scriptable particle engine which I also want to see running in the game. So I'm lucky to have so much to motivate me, as well as the coding being pretty fun so far.

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