Quote:Original post by krikkit You can save to Wav...I use RazorLame to convert to MP3 sometimes, if Im doing quick and dirty I'll just export as MP3 from sound forge. |
That's what I'm presently doing; converting to WAV from ModPlug Tracker, then using Audacity to convert to Ogg Vorbis (I presently don't have the plugin for MP3 conversion). I used to have a whole swag of audio and music tools that I was collecting, but they all got hosed a few weeks ago when something wiped the boot sector of my Windows system partition a while back and I had to wipe the disk to fix it (well, at least that gave me a chance to implement a better partitioning scheme).
But is Ogg okay for sharing music? I'm not really the most hardcore of audiophiles, so I'm not sure what sort of quality is expected. Presently I'm using 44KHz stereo (32-bit represention, I think), but then the file size is pretty huge.
Quote:As far as -im- concerned, you can just zip up your tracker file and share it:) I like to watch the notes fly by and I could offer some advice if I see somewhere you could improve. |
I could do that, I guess; although since I was learning as I go the file is a horrible mess (the S3M equivalent of hacked together C code [smile]). Plus since I haven't found a good way to get my samples to loop properly for the long notes, the WAV samples that I'm using are about ten seconds long, which makes the S3M file nearly the same size as the Ogg. And it doesn't sound the same in WinAmp as it does in ModPlug Tracker, so I'd have to distribute the Ogg/MP3 version anyway.
But I do like the scrolling piano-roll like effect too. It helps you see the rhythm a lot better than a traditional styled score does.
Edit: I've just thought; does it sound better if you program in some dynamics into the volumes of the instuments ModPlug Tracker. Presently my instruments stick to the same volume throughout each pattern (they change throughout the piece, but tend to stick to certain levels). It might be a bit of a pain to go through and add swells and phrasing by hand, but I've already done that for simulating rests for breathing for the woodwind instruments, so I might do that as well. Plus I'm not sure of the best way to swell the volume in a phrase for every type of instrument; I think I have a good idea for wind, since I used to play, but I'm not sure how a bowed string instrument would alter the volume. Ah, I'm just babbling via the medium of my keyboard now. Maybe I'll wait until I get some feedback.
[Edited by - Trapper Zoid on September 10, 2005 8:18:06 PM]