
how to disable background

Started by August 19, 2005 05:15 AM
1 comment, last by lc_overlord 19 years, 6 months ago
i got a 3d game that will be like doom and i got a problom i put a shotgun and he have a background! (i already asked this question but i didnt get the answer i needed :\ ) the texture is a BMP is there a way to do this with a BMP? alpha value? someone told me to use mask but i didnt success :if anyone got any idea how to do this plz help me.. thx..
Original post by mcmc
someone told me to use mask but i didnt success :if anyone got any idea how to do this plz help me..

The fact you're using a .bmp disallows you from doing alpha-testing. If you can in some way put in an alpha mask, then you'll just have to upload the texture and draw a quad with ALPHA_TEST enabled.
To do this, you may want to use a different format with explicit per-pixel alpha such as .tga or .png (raccomanded) or use two .bmp, one for color and one for alpha. Then load both of them and take RGB from the first, swizzling A from the second.
I don't get how you can not get it working but if you still have problems, post them here.

Previously "Krohm"

it's possible if you use color keying.
load it the same way as the last method Krohm described.
But instead of a second bitmap you use a special predefinend color to control the alpha.
That color would normaly be "magic pink" or (1.0f,0.0f,1.0f) since it is rarely used.

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