
it seems the AngelScript havent "include" keywords?

Started by August 18, 2005 08:12 AM
2 comments, last by Deyja 19 years, 6 months ago
Even as the post's title, If I wanna include some common files, how to do?
Since AngelScript doesn't load the files itself, it cannot support include directly. However, you easily write a simple preprocessor that scans for #include directives and if found adds a second script section with the included file.

When the preprocessor finds an #include it could easily remove it from the original script by substituting the first two characters for //, making the line a comment. That way AngelScript will still be able to compile the script without problems.

Read the following article for more info: Using #include with AngelScript

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So easy and so fast reply:)
It's even easier than that.

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