
Composer looking to join team for contest

Started by August 16, 2005 05:57 PM
6 comments, last by Couchfiend 19 years, 1 month ago
Hi, I'm a composer/sound designer and I'm looking to join a team for this contest. Contact me at if you are interested.
That is some pretty interesting stuff, especially the sounds. I would be looking for some decent sounds if I thought that I could actually pull off an entry, but I don't think that will happen in the week that I have between semesters...[sad]
Wow thats a lot of cool music. really cool.
What type of game are you most interested in? Medieval? Futuristic? War game?
hey you have some talent there, and sound like you already have a few bits of music in stock.

If my composer lets me down, I'll have to remember to plead in this thread [wink]
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I hope to have a musician, but I could do with sound effects... if you search for "d000hg" and "keratin" (the artist/modeller) in the screenshots thread you'll see some of our initial concept art and early screenshots.
@coorae: I don't really have a preference. If the project is good, then I'm potentially interested.

d000hg: Just link me.
Keratin's concept art
- Screenshot (yes I know models are wrong way round).

If you're not snapped up now are you interested as a SFX guy?
I've been grabbed by a few projects as a result of this thread, but as long as you dont need a HUGE amount of sounds, I can probably help you out. Why don't you email me the details.

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