Quote:Original post by ToppDog I doubt full blown VR will take off until you can step into your own holodeck or “jack in” matrix style, but I do think VR goggles or helmets will become more common… especially as the game genres continue to blur.
We’re seeing an increase of, & a higher demand for hybrid games that blend the gameplay styles of FPS, vehicle/mech, & flight/space sims into the same gameworlds, such as the GTA series, BF 1942 I & II, HalfLife2, or various MMO’s, etc. As these games get better at being true representations of each genre within single gameworlds, developers are most likely going to try & incorporate support for the multiple input devices that the players of these genres like to use. This may also result in cross-over use of input devices to play these games that haven’t seen much use before, such as using a HOTAS setup with a VR headset for FPS style gameplay, etc.
What’s most likely holding VR headsets from taking off is poor design & the inability to offer true 1024 x 768 resolution at a reasonable price. I know I’m not willing to pay the prices they are asking for when all they can offer is sub-par resolutions without even incorporating headphones/microphones or 6 degrees of movement with the head-tracking.
The ideal VR headset should, at a minimum, offer resolutions comparable to 1024 x 768, be able to be worn over glasses, have built in headphones & microphone, & offer 6DOF head-tracking. If I were designing it I would also incorporate some other features that seem to have been neglected:
1. The viewscreens would be more widescreen-like to allow for peripheral vision & the ability to look left/right while turning your head left/right, since this is how you naturally look left/right anyway. This may help eliminate some of the motion sickness not related to latency that occurs from constantly looking straight ahead into small viewscreens while turning your head.
2. The viewscreens would be designed so that you could easily peer underneath them for easy viewing of things like keyboards etc. DURING gameplay. Since you always have sight of the real world as well as what’s on the viewscreens, this may also help with the motion sickness issue, as well as just being a good general safety feature.
3. If what’s holding back higher resolutions is being able to make screens with small enough pixels, then I would design the headset so that it uses slightly larger screens (which are already available & cheap), place those screens elsewhere on the headset (such as the top of the head) & use a mirror/lens system to project the image to the eyes.
All the technology exists to make this happen. Someone just needs to put it all together correctly & affordably. |
Well, this device here may not satisfy all your requirements, but I think it will satisfy quite a few.
Its suppose to hit the market sometime this year with a price tag of around $395 - $500 depending on whether it will have head tracking built in.
On a side note, I think this device shown here may have some awesome yet weird game potentials when it does hit the market.
Currently its only useful for showing data, but then that in itself can be used to create an interesting game in itself. For example, an alternative FPS game where the device links with your cell phone with built in GPS. Its like an MMO in the real world where through some mechanism each player is given an ID and a target who you need to track down, another player. The glasses linked to your cell phone and GPS will tell you how far you are from your target, and when you get close enough, you key in their ID that gets displayed on your view. Then at the end of the day, you tally up your "kills" and see who has the most "kills." Of course, once a person has been "killed" they "respawn" with a new ID. Of course, if someone tracking you comes within range, you'll be warned as well and you have a chance to move out to range or then try and get close enough to see their ID and "kill" them before they can get you. Would be an interesting experience.