
Ive written Lesson 49

Started by August 11, 2005 12:14 PM
-1 comments, last by BBB 19 years, 3 months ago
I still haven't got a reply from, seems to be some problem with their mail-server or something. If anyone want's to have a look and give comments and suggestions post your email here and Ill send you the zip-file. Note that it's not final since im going to fix some spelling and add some stuff I forgot to add (however everything compiles and works fine on Slackware 10 and Win2k AS. I also sent it to guys with WinXP and it worked for them too). If you find any errors or bad spelling please let me know. The tutorial is about how to split your programs into modules (.so and .dll) with a simple OpenGL renderer module sample. It also shows how to share generic code that works on any OS. There is sample code both for Linux/GLX and Windows/WGL. Yes very boring but very usefull to know. Cheers // BBB

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