
Time spent on your contest entry?

Started by August 01, 2005 10:47 PM
28 comments, last by imbusy 19 years, 1 month ago
hmm...since i started I've spent every day working on the project for at least 4 hours a day. If I work for only 4 hours then I usually spend the rest of the day obsessing about the game design. On average, I spend 8-12 hours a day. So far I haven't done a single line of code yet. >_<
Here is an update for everyone: Yesterday and the day before, I opened up my Game Project and spent about an hour and a half doing nothing to it. I spent the entire time, instead, reading news that would be of no benefit to me.

Today looks about the same; I know I should be pushing ahead since the deadline is coming up but I have no will power whatsoever. [bawling]
I work on my entry from 7AM-9AM, and then from around 7PM-midnight. Including work, that makes up about 16 hours of programming per day. Yikes.
Quote: Original post by Sneftel
I work on my entry from 7AM-9AM, and then from around 7PM-midnight. Including work, that makes up about 16 hours of programming per day. Yikes.
Impressive...or kind of sad [smile]
You're basically putting in about a day's worth of work as well as a full-time coding job; on a work night I can manage up to 3.5 hours coding (distractions allowing) before being knackered and in need of BEER!
I seem to have gone off on one creating a decent audio framework (doh). SDL_Mixer and FMOD just ended up not being suitable.
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Quote: Original post by d000hg
Quote: Original post by Sneftel
I work on my entry from 7AM-9AM, and then from around 7PM-midnight. Including work, that makes up about 16 hours of programming per day. Yikes.
Impressive...or kind of sad [smile]

It can be both. [grin]
Well, I certainly don't do it 7 days a week... and my evening coding is interspersed with other activities, like eating. My most productive coding time is in the morning. Try getting up early sometime, and doing hardcore coding.... you'll be amazed how much more in the zone you are.
Quote: Original post by skittleo
Are you able to keep up that schedule each and every day? It seems a bit intense.

I keep a scheulde that intense up every day. Every now and then I'll get pryed off the computer by the girls, but w/e.
If I didn't already hve to get up at 6.30am I'd get up early and work - I definitely am more productive before 1000. I work flexitime so I could leave up to 1.5 hours later in the morning... but I really like leaving work at 4 O'Clock!
It seems as if I am sitting at the entry all day and not getting any job done :\.
I still have almost no art. I hope the programmer art will not scare anyone.

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