
Time spent on your contest entry?

Started by August 01, 2005 10:47 PM
28 comments, last by imbusy 19 years, 1 month ago
I was looking over a few threads in this particular part of the forum and since I have seen a large amount of work plus conversation, I decided to ask the qustion: How much time do you spend on your contest entry? For myself, the average per day is about 30 minutes to an hour. On some days I get by with nothing at all and some, very few to be accurate, I work on the game for about 3 hours. This includes actual coding and planning.
I coded for about 7 hours straight the first day, but after I had the thing running, I toned it down to maybe an hour a day.
My Current Project Angels 22 (4E5)
I spend every hour of every day on it. But I'm only actually doing stuff like 10 minutes a day. Other than that I'm thinking of what I could add/take out. How to program part A, then part B, how to fix part A, etc.)
Ah, this is where being 16 really shines. During my 2 week holiday I spent about 10 hours a day working on an engine I now won't be using. Now I'm at school again, about 2-3 hours a day, more on weekends. Nerd? Who, me?
___________________________________________________David OlsenIf I've helped you, please vote for PigeonGrape!
About 1 hour per day, with a few added bonus hours on the weekend if I happen to be at home. Most of that time thus far has been used up on learning to make half-decent art though, since I have the artistic skill of a newt but am trying to do all the work myself if possible.

- Jason Astle-Adams

It varies. I'd like to average 2 hours a day including some extra hours at the weekend, but with the huge effort I'm putting into gutting/redocorating a house to move into in a month it's more like .5hour a day the last week. I'll bulk that back up though, have some holiday coming up so can DIY all day and code all night...
30 minutes a day, sometimes an hour. i've got a thesis to write unfortunately :(
We're a team of three, and I would guess that, on average, we've spent at least one hour per day each on the game, since mid-may or so.
------------------"Kaka e gott" - Me
Well, considering I haven't really even worked on my entry since the contest began, I guess I would have to say that I have worked on it an average of 0 hours per day.
Glad, well in a quasi-sort light-hearted way, to see there are people in the same position as me. Between work, getting ready for college, and some other things in life, I have not the time that I want into working on my contest entry.

While working on this game, I figured out that even if I do not get in everything I wanted, 99% due to me being the epitome of indolence, I will try my hardest to finish and present the best game I can create within the given time frame. This is my first time to make a game as well as enter in a contest and actually finishing it within a given time frame may be a well-rewarded venture.

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