
David Hawkins - Is the name fair game? [SOLVED]

Started by July 21, 2005 01:50 PM
10 comments, last by 19 years, 2 months ago
Hey. I was working on the storyline, and I'm pretty bad at comming up with names. I looked to my left and saw a book with two authors (can you guys who they are?). Out of this, I found that David Hawkins is a good name. Are we allowed to use this in our game? Here's a basic rundown of his involvement. At the beginning, the leader of the resistance group is forming a group of 5 to clear a safe passageway to another shelter. The primary group had a member called David Hawkins, but he was captured, so the player fills in for him (the first level). Later on in the game, you are in the enemies' (gr/sp?) lair, and you free him. He also kills someone with a knife in a dramatic cutscene (an enemy), which is probably the turndown for our request. This game is for the 4e4 contest, although we will probably also distribute it on our website (free, open sourceness). Is using this mixture of GameDev's finest allowed? [Edited by - Tsixm on July 22, 2005 5:53:14 PM]
Why not Kevin Astle?
Soft constant followed by a vowel, that and I sound like a nerd (which I am, but don't want to sound like) when I say it.

Anyhow now that you know the authors, can you guess what the book is? (everyone has it)
Quote: Original post by Tsixm
Soft constant followed by a vowel, that and I sound like a nerd (which I am, but don't want to sound like) when I say it.

Anyhow now that you know the authors, can you guess what the book is? (everyone has it)

The Bible???????

How many books have they written together? And is anyone sure I'm allowed to use this name?
I'd be careful about using a name like "David Hawkins" for a character if the character weren't a pirate or pirate-related.... there's too clear an association.
Nope the character is a spy for the rebel group (the good guys)
Just put in a disclaimer that all characters in the game/story/etc are fictional and any resemblance, etc to anyone in real life is unintended. What all movies/books do. It's perfectly legal.

Heck you can use Bill Clinton and George Bush if you want. Now if you start making bold statements like "they're jerks, stupid, etc" then you get into a grey area. Otherwise, if they're just part of the story and don't relate to anything in real-life that they do/did you're good to go.
Nice catch Anon. Thanks guys!

Oh and the book was Beginning OpenGL Game Programming.
Quote: Original post by Tsixm
How many books have they written together?
2, and we were working on a 3rd, but Kevin dropped out, so now it's just me.

I don't have a problem with the name.

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