
[4E4] - Looking for Team?

Started by July 19, 2005 05:07 PM
15 comments, last by orcfan32 19 years, 2 months ago
Hey all, I want to enter for some experience in C++ with a team. I have steady knowledge of the basics of C++, but I want to learn more. I'm good with making backgrounds and stuff in my nice photo editing program - Adobe Photoshop CS. Can make terrain easily. Also, I'm pretty good at modeling static (non-moving) models. My animation skills aren't the best. First poster to ask for me gets me. [Edited by - orcfan32 on July 20, 2005 4:36:18 PM]
The best thing to do is just choose whatever you think you'd prefer, and go for it. -Promit
Feel free to ask questions about my capabilities.
The best thing to do is just choose whatever you think you'd prefer, and go for it. -Promit
Post some stuff that you've done in the past! [smile]
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
And some work samples are definitely in order.

Can you texture your models?
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
I'll second or third the request for samples of your stuff. =)
Sorry, haven't checked back here in a while. Let me get some stuff ready...

BTW, how do you display images on the forum? [ img ] and [ /img ] ?
The best thing to do is just choose whatever you think you'd prefer, and go for it. -Promit
Standard Html

< img src="image link"/ &gt
....[size="1"]Brent Gunning
I will be able to provide GAME RESOURCES as my C++ skills are lacking the more advanced stuff. I can get you real-looking pictures of terrain, such as dirt and grass, etc. Also and 3ds MAX users read P.S. at bottom.

Here's a house that I made:

Here's a little robot I made. It looks like a Moon Rover so I called it "Rover Bot".

Here's a polygonic man model. None of the objects in these pictures are bones; they are simply pyramids.

P.S. I will get some more on soon enough. I need to figure out how to texture models in 3ds MAX6. If anyone could tell me how then that would be great and I would be able to get a few more on. (In gMAX it's a lot easier to texture..) Also, if anyone has 3ds MAX5, maybe they can tell me how to do it in there. It's probably the same.
The best thing to do is just choose whatever you think you'd prefer, and go for it. -Promit
They're...... they're beautiful.
Errrrr..that sounds sarcastic.. =/
The best thing to do is just choose whatever you think you'd prefer, and go for it. -Promit

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