
crosscompile linux to windows

Started by July 19, 2005 09:42 AM
2 comments, last by baldurk 19 years, 1 month ago
Hi, i would like to crosscompile c++/opengl project on a linux system to an executable windows programm. the only thing i found until now is mingw.... on the webside is a litlte example how to use, but my project contains some more classes than one and i don't know how to compile that....thnx for any help
You'd do the same thing to build a cross-compiled program with multiple source files, than you would with a native compile with multiple sources.

However, I generally don't see the point of cross-compiling Linux-Windows (or vice versa), because you need to be running both anyway to test, so why not compile?

I suppose your build system could be Linux-specific (mine usually is, but only to build platform-independent data). But that would be awkward for other developers wanting to do native Windows builds.

Quote: Original post by markr
You'd do the same thing to build a cross-compiled program with multiple source files, than you would with a native compile with multiple sources.

However, I generally don't see the point of cross-compiling Linux-Windows (or vice versa), because you need to be running both anyway to test, so why not compile?

I suppose your build system could be Linux-specific (mine usually is, but only to build platform-independent data). But that would be awkward for other developers wanting to do native Windows builds.


There's always testing with Wine. That, and other users.
I set up a document here to show how to do this, and set up wxwidgets, sdl and opengl. Other libraries can be added easily enough once you understand that doc.

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