
Want to install linux!

Started by July 12, 2005 12:00 AM
16 comments, last by NamelessTwo 19 years, 2 months ago
Im wanting a distribution that is east to install and will partition my windows partition for me. Does anyone have any suggestions?
SuSE Linux (Edit)9.1. It's free, it fits on one CD, and will resize Windows partitions so you don't loose anything. Goodluck!
Professional-Noob Guitarist : Don't try to play the music, you have to feel it!
I just installed Ubuntu the other day. It was my first experience with linux and I found the install to be very easy.

I don't know about partitioning since I didn't need to partition my drive.
*** Why'd you run away? ****** Don't you like my... style***
i tried ubuntu too, but you do have to partition your drive before you install and the problem i have is that i dont have a partitioner. So, I guess another question is does anyone know of a free partitioner?

how bout gnuparted which comes on the ubuntu install cd, which you can access when it asks you do you want to partitian your disk(s)? answer yes.
Otherwise if you really need a graphical client(cause you'd rather drag a bar to be 8GB rather than type 8GB), qtparted is available on most livecd distros(knoppix, kanotix, etc).

EDIT: Oh yea and if you want stuff done for you, hire someone to do it, cause linux isn't gonna do it for you.
Fedora is actually alright....

why not try knoppix... just boot it from CD, no install!
-fuchiefck----------------------------------------------------------"Inside the world that you as a programmer or developer create, you are God" - Zerbst & Duvel
Mepis was extremely easy to use as well. Just inserted the disk, and within about two minutes I was at the login screen, no install. I just entered root for username and root for password, and bam, I was at the KDE desktop. Then I just clicked the button that said Mepis OS Center, installed it. Done with it. Very easy to use.
Professional-Noob Guitarist : Don't try to play the music, you have to feel it!
SuSE should take care of partitioning and all that for you. Give it a go.
________________________________"Fetch me a rope, lynch mob of one." - Randy Blythe, Lamb of God."The masses are asses." - Unkown.
Moving to correct forum.
lol, yea you are better off using a LiveCD until you get a hold of things. Its funny how easy it is to accidentally overwrite your windows partition, or at least screw up your master boot record (MBR).

So if you want to install linux on a partition, have a working LiveCD ready in case things screw up and you need to recover, and backup ANYTHING that could be important before taking the leap.

Good luck - linux is an awsome learning experience.

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