Original post by TechnoGoth
They've reached the point where they can go no further. They are at the end of their existance.
Why can they go no further? That doesn't make sense. If they're incapable of change, then they're either dead, or have thought all thoughts that they are capable of thinking. Either way, they won't be creating any superbeings.
All that remains is for them to risk everything in attempt to create beings who can go where they can not.
If they're at the end of their existance, why should they care about creating other beings who aren't?
And if they're at the end of their existance, know everything they can comprehend, can do everything they can concieve of doing, how come they have questions?
And if they haven't previosuly created a race of beings who surpass them, then they obviously
aren't at the end of their existance, and don't know everything, and haven't done everything. Which means that they are obviously capable of learning and doing new things. Which means they have not gone as far as they can go, that they are not at the end of their evolution, and are certainly not at the end of their existance.
The Gods don't want to become greater then they are.
Why not? I cannot believe a race of beings who have developed their capabilities to the very peak of physical possibility would then decide to give up on progress. It would take great determination to become the foremost power in the Universe, and we are to suppose that they just pack it all in? I think not.
Finally, your image of the Gods united in common purpose is in stark contrast to Wavinators requirements: rebellion/dissent among the Gods. If the Gods have sunk into abject stagnancy, then there would be no rebellion or dissent. If there are Gods who do not agree with each other, then the Gods are capable of change and have not reached the end of their existance. They could, out of shear boredom, reach into their minds, change their opinion about a matter, and go a-debating.