
Dual Booting WinXP with Linux

Started by June 29, 2005 04:02 PM
0 comments, last by Promit 19 years, 2 months ago
i was about the linux kernel 2.6.x bug that caused many new linuxes to fail to dual boot with WindowsXP....... and it seems fishy how lightly the linux developers take that issue!! for example fedora core 2 had that bug, and FC3 (and guess FC4 too, correct me if im wrong) still have that bug!!! i know that there are works-most-of-the-time walkarounds for this bug, but i cant see why its not fixed yet!! they could have at least used older versions of the kernel which didnt have that bug, untill its fixed! what do u think is going on? when will these problems be fixed? how often does that issue happen?? i am asking because i have used RedHat 9, but want to update to a newer version, cuz i felt comfortable with that distribution,, yet i cant afford to lose any data on my HD
This bug was restricted only to FC2, as far as I understand it. (Maybe a specific kernel, but FC2 was the only actual distro to sport a kernel with that bug.)

Anything else is safe. FC4 is the most recent, for example, and it's fine. Still, if you're not comfortable with partitions, boot sectors, and the like, it goes without saying that a back up of important data might be in order before doing anything.
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