
Linux C++ IDE's

Started by June 27, 2005 04:36 PM
7 comments, last by eedok 19 years, 2 months ago
OK, I know this maybe alot but i am looking for a nice C++ compiling tool with a nice IDE. I am not looking for all the features that Microsoft visual C++ has but want to do want is to be able to code, compile, test and maybe debug for linux under 1 tool, also i would like it to be very stable too. I really can't spend any money on it so a free one would be great. any suggestions?
Eclipse with CDT

Besides your requirements it also is:
* cross platform (I use it for linux/windows projects)
* includes CVS support, additional plugins for SVN etc. are available
* automatically generates makefiles, but also works with user supplied makefiles
also it would need to handle multi projects like solutions that VC++ has.
I don't mean to be rude, but there's only one sticky in this forum. Read it!
This question pops up rather frequently.
Why is code blocks listed in the sticky for ide for linux but on there website all i can find is window files for it, why
You have to compile from source: Code::Blocks Source

And compiling wasn't easy in my experience. See here for detailed instructions
Quote: Original post by 3dmodelerguy
also it would need to handle multi projects like solutions that VC++ has.

Eclipse can also handle projects that depend on each other, i.e. the main program depends on a library, which is developed with the project.

There are Eclipse plugins available that allow you to integrate ANTLR into your project, to generate scanners and parsers. The plugin will automatically generate the sources when the grammar was changed.
WEll now i am think of just going with a command-line compiler and learn bash and how to create and work with make files, what command-line compiler are there is which it will work with mandrake with me compiling in myself
there's gcc.. and well not much more, maybe icc and tcc..

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