Original post by robert4818 Quote:
Hero go to LOCATIONX and recover the ITEMX from BADGUYSX for a reward of REWARDX.
LOCATIONX = { AbandondeCastle, CaveOutsideTown, HermitsHut, DesertedGraveyard }
ITEMX = { ImportantLetter, PreciousRing, MagicBean, KingsSword }
BADGUYSX = { BigOrc & BunchOfOrcs, EvilWizard & KillerBats, BanditChief & BunchOfAssasins, EvilCyborg }
REWARDX = { ClueToBigQuest, BunchOfGold, TreasureMap, HardyHandshake }
4x4x4 = 64 combinations from just one pattern...
I tend to disagree here. I see at most with this simple set here. 4 quests, maybe 16 depending on how dramatically different the change of bad guys will be to your game. All of them are Item Retrieve quests. The only real difference is the map. After playing COH I can tell you that there really is no difference between trying to find a gun rack, a stack of dynamite, or even computers. Its just different window dressings for the same thing. The reward does not change the quest at all. Its like saying you have a larger variety of bad guys if one gives you 50xp and another gives 58xp with no other changes.
However you are right, the simple menu system is infact what I have in the original post. However I went for a larger perspective than you did in your descritpion. In fact you're description above, could be easily incorporated in the main idea.
Some things that I definately feel need to be incorporated into a random quest generator, are as follows.
Unpredictability. The player should never feel 100% confident that the quest they get will work like they have planned. This is why I incorporated the surprise element of Step 2. If your player is sitting there and says "I've got another (insert quest type) here...this is what I need to do" then I believe as a developer you have failed. Thats not to say that the quests should be put together so hap-hazardly that they make no sense, but that the player should never be left to feel complacent.
Connection. One of the biggest problems with Random quest generators tends to be that they are, well, so random. I know this is an oxymoron, however, the point is that depending on how you get your missions, there should be at least some tenuous connection between a few of your quests. Thats not to say that EVERY quest needs to connect, but some stuff needs to connect. It gives the game a taste of continuity.
As for numbers...
I listed 6 very general goals in the OP. If you combine any number of those goals together to form one quest you get a large number of quests...don't quot my number because statistics was never my strong point... 720
If you do at least two variations one where the goals are done in a chain of dungeons, and another where every one is done in the same dungeon, that's 1440 quests.
If you toss in variations of how to do the quests, say about 5 different types. (stealth, kill all, mine-field, etc)that gives you 7200 quests. Now toss in the chance of tossing in a random surprise in the middle of a quest (i.e. replacing the quest with one of the others), and that bumps your number of quests up to 5,184,000. This is without talking about map options, rewards, or even specific targets.
I stated :
"Thats just 4 option lists and you could add several more 'options' to increase
the number of combinations."
just to keep it simple (8 substitution types each with 4 different options = 64K ...)
Compounding simple quests into more complex ones could be done ad nauseum to raise the combinations to huge numbers (as youve shown) BUT the more complex they are the less likely the player will complete them , too long (players dont like reading paragraphs of quest log to try to remember what they were doing), interfering with game's superplot, start interfering with themself (more logic checks to prevent this), might become illogical/incoherant - coordinating them along a plausible theme requires a magnitude more code logic, etc...
A simpler way (one way) of chaining is to have items or info presented in one quest be the activation for another quest (quests activated with NPCs questgivers detecting the trigger and offering a second tier quest (probably also randomized) when the player later walks by.
A pool of initial quest trigger items might be fed in randomly as loot for the generic (first tier) random quests (making it a matter of chance which ones players find) and chance that sometime later the player will meet up with the NPC in someother location to lead to the next chained quest.
The quest trigger item itself might have clue text (simple puzzle??/hints) leading the player to the NPC (effectively making it a triple linked quest).