As usual, I cannot resist pointing you out to one of my numerous roleplaying readings... [wink]
I am pretty sure I have mentioned it before, but hey, you know how I am: nag, nag, nag until somebody appeases me by noticing...
anyway, in
Transhuman Space,
Earth has evolved towards a more moderate version of your typical cyberpunk environment.
The few blurbs from the webpages really don't give justice to the depth of the political analysis (for a roleplaying game, eh. I am not a political science students).
Some interesting changes:
with the globalisation, regionalism has increased dramatically. regions like Catalonia or Quebec that demanded their independance for decades finally have it (with the amusing note that Montreal itself is independant from the Quebec state, finding it too conservative). Some Canadian provinces and former US States have asked admittance in the EU.
Some formerly Third World nations have now become very rich : Quito, Ecuador and Kenya. Both are right on the Equator, and as such make prime locations for spaceports (it's a gravity thing, if you wonder). Kenya is the planned site for the first Earth Orbit Space Elevator (the first in the system being the Mars-Deimos one IIRC)
Kazhakstan is home to an old style dictator using modern technology to realise his dreams: almost immortal, with an army of brainwashed cybershells all controlled by shadows of his ghost (partial copies of his mind). And just like in the past, as long as he doesn't bother his neighbours, the world community doesn't really dare do anything too drastic.
The really big players in this settings are China,
the TransPacific Alliance (a gathering of former third worlds countries like Indonesia, Thailand and Peru. All gathered around the idea of nanosocialism, essentially an open source utopia, where copyright doesn't exist)
Europe, the remains of America (which has lost quite a few of its states, who simply left as a result of the general independantism trend), the Pacicif Rim Alliance (Japan, Australia and some others IIRC).
The beauty of the setting isn't the originality, but rather the believability of it all. It's all so logical, so just out there, that you can't but wonder...
Think Ghost In Shell, if you want ot get a feeling for the level of politicking and technology.
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !