
Duel Boot Linspire and Windows

Started by June 22, 2005 05:38 PM
1 comment, last by Yamian 19 years, 2 months ago
Hey, more Linux questions. Still can't pick a distributition. I have 2 hard drives and Windows is on the master, and I installed Linspire in the second one, but I didn't get any boot options, so now Windows just boots casually. How can I set it up? It's Linspire 4.5 and Windows XP Pro.
you'll need the boot loader ( grub ) for it, when you installed on the other partition did it ask you to override the master bootloader? You'll need to because the windows boot loader may not recognize the linux partitions!
I installed Windows 1st, so shouldn't the Linspire(it is supposes to come with LiLO) install that or is it installed the first time you start Linspire after it's installed?

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