
[4E4] Are you competing?

Started by June 10, 2005 05:21 PM
84 comments, last by ToohrVyk 19 years, 3 months ago
For the past couple days, #gamedev has been looking sort of like this:
Quote: <Mushu-san> I wish I had a breast-size changing device <SteelGolem> markr are you competing? <Mushu-san> SG: are you competing?
So I decided, what the hell, make a thread about it. Who's planning on competing, and what are you planning to make? (genre, API, foo) I'm shooting for an RTS, using SDL for graphics. I periodically paste stuff from the design doc in my journal if you want ideas.
well.. if i WERE to compete (not saying i am), it'd probably be a side-scrolling beat-em up. not very innovative, but its something i could manage. it'd give me a good chance to work on character design and animation..


[EDIT: oh, listing specs? allegro for everything. heh]
I'm competing.

I'm using an OpenGL-based rendering system through the GLFW framework, with PhysicsFS for file handling, DevIL for image handling, TinyXml for level/content specification and GameMonkey Script for scripting (actually my gmcore variant). I've not decided on a sound component yet...

Genre is classfied but it does feature Robots, Pirates, Ninjas and Zombies.
I'm competing. For my entry, I asked myself, "What Would Chris Sawyer Do"? (Other than churn out Ninja Tycoon 4.) My game is an RTS, but not in the standard "gather resources, build units" mould. Pirate robots are involved; ninjas have a smaller role.

I'm planning to use G3D, a framework which I've been flirting with for the past few weeks, for graphics, input, and networking. Most of the game will be programmed in Lua.
I would like to get an entry in this year. It's so top secret, not even I know what it will be!*

*May not be true. I just haven't sat down to design anything, but I have been throwing a few ideas around in my head.
I might compete. I want to make a parody of Final Fantasy 1 (that is, a simple RPG), with the main characters being a pirate, a ninja, a zombie, and a robot, each of whom carries an ORB. I want to use my DirectX wrapper classes (redesign currently in progress) to help make it.
"Sir, it is pie." - Mark TwainThe ArchWizard's site.
I want to compete - but I have to keep my ideas private I'm afraid.

I've got a few milestones in mind, so I'll know if my ideas are actually possible by the deadline in a few weeks [smile]

I'm taking the project serious enough to have already written a dozen pages in a logbook for it, including characters, structure and now design detail for the facit I'm working on first. Was thinking I might try and develop this in a bit of an XP kind of way, so am looking in to unit test frameworks for C++ tut. So this project is going to be a little academic for me... been out of university for over 4 years now so want to get up to scratch with whatever is going on... may be take some of the new stuff I've learned from C# and back apply it to my rather older C++ skills.

Anyway, I have figured out how to plausably get all four elements in to one game. [grin]

EDIT: Actually if anyone has any other suggestions for unit testing stuff in C++ I'm open to suggestion... JUnit and NUnit are great but C++ doesn't seem to lend itself so easily to that kind of thing without kludegyness.
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I hope to be able to make an entry. I've got some ideas. If I can pull them off, and they actually work*, the results could prove... interesting.

Needless to say the game will be pretty comical/cartoony, you can't make a serious game about ninjas, pirates, zombies and robots.


* Including several untested concepts
Note: You only need 2. 4 will earn you some kudo points, but 2 well integrated elements score better then 4 badly tacked on elements.
My game may not feature all four. I probably don't need them all for gameplay purposes. Three however, will work quite nicely I think.


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