
Free Resource Thread (updated 5/27/06)

Started by June 08, 2005 04:03 PM
83 comments, last by Namethatnobodyelsetook 14 years, 10 months ago
its free for *noncommercial* use. You can distribute all you want, you just cant charge money for it without buying a license. It certainly can be used for this contest.
Maybe I'm wrong ... but this sounds (at least to me) as if copies may not be distributed:

2a. The Software is licensed, not sold. The Software is protected by copyright law and international copyright treaty provisions, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. Customer must not allow copies of the Software or any part of it to be made or distributed to anyone else. Customer may make backup copies of the software for archival purposes only. The Customer acknowledges that a separate Redistribution License from the Company is required in order to redistribute any part of this Software.
Given enough eyeballs, all mysteries are shallow.


I think thats talking about the SDK itself, assuming you bought a license for it. Look right below that part:

"For freeware licenses: The Software may be used by an unlimited number of developers to develop the Product. The Product may be distributed to an unlimited number of clients, as long as the Watermark is left in tact and the Software and the Company is listed in the Products credits."
You are probably right.
The thing that confused me is that you have to download the complete SDK and can't just download a runtime version of the engine.
Given enough eyeballs, all mysteries are shallow.


someone may have already written this. but I used It has a list of engines and libraries with the link on the front page.
slymrHopefully game is in progress.
Boy I wish I came across this like 5 years ago... Great List, will be looking at many of the links that I have never come across before.
The Axiom 3D engine site has changed to
Under Development Enviroments, you should add Game Maker.

After all, last year's winner was programmed in it.
Are the sprites and stuff legal in the Four Elements contest? Because isn't that intellectual property for the mario sprites and stuff?
Hey, i was just wondering how one goes about proving that certain intellectual property is theirs. For example, I have some song i've written a while back and if i wanted to include them in a game, how would i prove its mine? I have the original mp3s and everything..

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