Original post by Anonymous Poster
Another difficulty that I don't think was mentioned is the UI.
Agreed, big point here. Without a uniform UI, you've upped the learning curve dramatically. Yet a lot of these genre intensive games resist having a generic UI because UI is so closely tied to gameplay-- what you click or see controls what you can or cannot do.
And I think that's the greatest problem. When I or my friends pick up a game, we are usually looking for a particular experience roughly defined by a genre. When I pick up an FPS, I don't necessarily want to be bothered with cultivating my character; I just want to shoot things. When I pick up an RPG, I want to raise my character and not be bothered with the actual fighting myself.
There's still the standing problem of how these games distinguish themselves in a crowded market. A friend who reads the industry mags rampantly was observing an increasing trend of adding stats / character development to games that traditionally don't have it: Boxing games, racing games, or thief/sneaker games are all starting to get RPG-style stats for some reason.
Movies are fairly genre tied. You can tell a romantic comedy from a thriller from an action movie from a mystery just from the trailer.
Yes, point taken, and I don't see genre going away, it's incredibly useful. My point was more about broadening. It seems that in an increasingly competitive marketplace both movies and games need to diversify appeal, and that movies have been doing this (think Spiderman as the latest example).
For example, I have a problem with Steven King movies. If I don't know they're based on a King novel, I get watching them and see that they're in a realistic setting. Then, a third of the way through, he brings in spiritual aspects. Throws off my groove. They tend to be good, but they aren't what I expect so I tend not to fully enjoy them the first time.
I think the M. Knight Shalayman movies are like this, as well, which is why people seem to love or hate them. Funny enough, the Matrix was like this for me, because I don't watch TV-- so I never saw an add, and thought it was going to be some Hackers-style movie. I was very pleasantly surprised to get a SF movie.