Original post by acraig
For a lot of people this is a good thing. It allows you to see yourself getting better and have a sense of direction. That was one of the reasons I dropped Baldur's Gate. I didn't have a sense that my characters where getting anywhere. It's also the reason why I liked the Zelda games. It gently prods you onwards but still giving you enough freedom to explore other areas first.
Yup, for some people this is good. For others (like me) it's lame. Of course, it really is a matter of degrees. In Starflight I *liked* that there were hints of ways to go via an in game message board with rumors and news. I also liked this at the beginning when I was learning to play Civilization ("Our might is wanting! We should build Chariots and conquer the world!!!!!")
But once I'm past the hand holding phase, I like to strike my own course. I don't think this is incompatible with a sense of progress, however.
For the escapist I suggest staying with fiction. There is no greater escape then that of your own imagination .
Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! No!
Ficton is too dull because it's too static. I want an environment that can respond. Fiction can not.
You are not looking for a game. You are looking for a digital community.
No, I'm a fan of games like X-Com, Civilization, Pirates!, Elite, and Starflight. These games were emphatically NOT digital communities. Rather, they were games that trusted the player to figure things out.
Arghh... Okay, I'm starting to make level games sound like coddling. I admit that I feel this often, that a level is trying to coddle me. But this is NOT to say that players who want directed play are somehow inferior to players who want free-form play. It's simply a style difference.
I'm miffed by the fact that we free-form folk are getting left in the cold as level-based game after game comes out, though.
Again its not the game that is interesting it is the world itself and how others interact.
Hmmm... both these are true. It's not either or. I REALLY want concrete, scalable gameplay. But I want it in a kick a$$ environment.
I want to be kept occupied while I MAKE MY OWN PATH through the game world. I DO NOT-- let me repeat... wasn't loud enough... _I_ _DO_ _NOT_ want to be told where to go, or what to do. (Call it an authority thing... )
Even in real life this idea doesn't work.
Hence why I play games.
Maybe instead of being told what to do maybe you could be suggested what would be good to do .
And if I refuse?
Maybe it's an old school vs. new school game design philosophy thing. People who didn't play Elite or Starflight or any other open ended game have NO CLUE how on Earth such an idea could be implemented.
It's easy. Set the challenges in the world, then let the player find them. Put pressure on them to do so. Give them repeatable, scalable gameplay that they can go back to when stuck.
Example? A space trading game with space combat and exploration. Exploration is risky and costly, but rewarding. Combat in it's various forms (piracy, bounties, mercenary work) get harder and more challenging the further out you go (and the longer you play?). Trading has the same constraints.
The player chooses what to do. The player chooses where to go. Economic pressure (maintence, docking fees, whatever) put pressure on the player to DO SOMETHING, but the game doesn't make them choose what.
Elite was great, but after a while I reached a point where I was really doing anything new and so I lost interested. The same goes with Privateer, I found that I was doing the same stuff over and over.
Ahhhhhh.... the curse of the open ended game: Closure. Totally agreed. I'm tackling this!!!
I think I'm going to kill you after a certain amount of time, or make you retire.
Then you get a eulogy summarizing your feats (or lack thereof).
Pirates! did this, and I think it might work well. 'Course, there might be an option to continue, maybe as your son or something...
A massive multiplayer Elite would be cool.
I'm not a MM player, but I still would like to see this.
Just waiting for the mothership...
Edited by - Wavinator on November 21, 2000 6:00:29 PM