My view on what Wavinator was talking about was increasing replayability of the game not really the ease of making a map (yet). Developing a system that can build you a city automatically would be very unlikely to make the job easier. Is the amount of time spent making this generator less than the time that would have been spent doing it all by hand? Well i guess it depends on how many times you plan on reusing this generator in later titles and how big the task is at hand.
I also believe that what these generators best use for in games will come down to in the future is to allow map designers a way of constructing groups of building structures together and alter them in minute details without having to go through each one individually. Kind of a negative photo perspective from what Wavinator was talking about. I''m probably wrong, but that''s what i think.
One more time for the dumbies
ar+gu+ment n. A discussion in which reasons are put forward in support of and against a proposition, proposal, or case; debate.
Floorplans ( or I am not an architech).
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