Cryo - Overall Design
This is the thread where you are invited to attack anything about the story related designs in any way, or the design document itself. The materials being discussed are drawn from the design document.
Cryo - Design Document - Note that the document has a decument map. You are not expected to read the whole design document even though it is short and incomplete.
To begin the discussion this is starting question:
Character Contrast:
The theme of the story is resolving conflicts. All four of the main characters (RNPC) in the story have two sides. The contrasting sides represent the global conflict reflected in a personal level.
Krystal - Demanding vs Submitting; Stranger vs Lover; Dependent vs Guardian
Shamila - Healing vs Killing; Healer vs Assassin; Revealer vs Concealer
Frequency - Attacker vs defender; Chaos-maker vs Peace-keeper; Fleeing vs Fighting
Gillieon - Intuition vs Logic; Dreamer vs Robot; Freedom vs Fate
Note that the contrasts are done on the same character. Do you like or dislike the idea? Which contrast interests you the most?
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