GDnet - the RPG (in dev)
OK, I'm working on a GDnet RPG as a side project.I'll post some screenshots soon, but for now I want some ideas.Anything : items, skills, stats, quests...
Here's a part of the story
GameDevaria was a peaceful country situated in the west of Computaria.It's people were creative and always working on new ideas.The capital of the country was Geedeenet, where King David Rhinus lived in the GameDevarian castle and wisely ruled the land.Trade with other kingdoms such as Gamasutria and Flipacoda was profitful.
Until one day...
Great forces of copyrighted monster whose names I can't use suddenly appeared.At first no-one knew where they came from ,but soon everybody knew it : the hordes of Hasbroth from the North were attacking.Most cities were overrun.The land stood in flames.The General of the Army Paul Cunningham barely had any time to react.He sent out a great army to the Plain of Game Design, but they were defeated by the Hasbroth Horde.They would have conquered Geedeenet as well, but the Master of Rant Magic, Landfish has cast a protective spell on the walls of the city.
But the spell is getting weaker, and soon Geedeenet will be overrun...
Only one man can save the city....
Who was it ...?
Damn !
I can't remember....
Ah !
You !
So get started
How does this sound ?
I've got the engine (Ultima 4-like, ok ?), simple graphics, portraits for some characters from the Picture thread in the Lounge and some more interesting stuff.
Runemaster now working on Acronia : Secrets of Magic
Add your site to my free-for-all links page !
""""" "'Nazrix is cool' -- Nazrix" --Darkmage --Godfree"-Nazrix" -- runemaster --and now dwarfsoft" -- dwarfsoft --pouya" -- Nazrix" -- Nazrix
"I feel that posts of this nature are a perversion of the internet."-johnnyfish
Edited by - runemaster on 11/18/00 1:50:23 PM
-----Jonas Kyratzes - writer, filmmaker, game designerPress ALT + F4 to see the special admin page.
LOL! I love it... But you must remember that the man who is to save it all is the crazed sorceror Necron of the X-treme plane of 3D games
-Chris Bennett of Dwarfsoft - Site:"The Philosophers'' Stone of Programming Alchemy" - IOL
The future of RPGs - Thanks to all the goblins over in our little Game Design Corner niche

-Chris Bennett of Dwarfsoft - Site:"The Philosophers'' Stone of Programming Alchemy" - IOL
The future of RPGs - Thanks to all the goblins over in our little Game Design Corner niche

Oh yeah... I almost forgot... I lead the dwarven clans to the east in the mountains... the dwaves also bring the dragons along (due to the fact that I am a dragon.. in dwarf form
). Anyway... Also you need to unite the dwarves, dragons, Nazrixarians, Landfishians, and maybe you could even include something about Tiberia and Scanner CDs
-Chris Bennett of Dwarfsoft - Site:"The Philosophers'' Stone of Programming Alchemy" - IOL
The future of RPGs - Thanks to all the goblins over in our little Game Design Corner niche

-Chris Bennett of Dwarfsoft - Site:"The Philosophers'' Stone of Programming Alchemy" - IOL
The future of RPGs - Thanks to all the goblins over in our little Game Design Corner niche

Me again. Another thing - The graphics for the Hasbroth: Marauding Monopoly Men... And they can also include SERIOUS WEAPONS like: The boot, the car, the dog, and possibly even A HOTEL!

You forgot the great leader of the light side, standing against the dark hordes of Hasbroth...and his name was Lord LaMothe!;P
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Um... LaMothe aka Necron aka Lord Necron. Haven''t you ever been on the Xtreme games Bulletin Board? Try Here.. Go to Area51 and Bulletin Board. He frequents the board as Necron or something like that
-Chris Bennett of Dwarfsoft - Site:"The Philosophers'' Stone of Programming Alchemy" - IOL
The future of RPGs - Thanks to all the goblins over in our little Game Design Corner niche

-Chris Bennett of Dwarfsoft - Site:"The Philosophers'' Stone of Programming Alchemy" - IOL
The future of RPGs - Thanks to all the goblins over in our little Game Design Corner niche

Here''s a screenshot.Note that the graphics will be a little bit better (there''ll be a bitmap for walls etc).
Runemaster now working on Acronia : Secrets of Magic
Add your site to my free-for-all links page !
"I feel that posts of this nature are a perversion of the internet."-johnnyfish

Runemaster now working on Acronia : Secrets of Magic
Add your site to my free-for-all links page !
"I feel that posts of this nature are a perversion of the internet."-johnnyfish
-----Jonas Kyratzes - writer, filmmaker, game designerPress ALT + F4 to see the special admin page.
runemaster, I suggest you go to Spiderweb Software and download a demo of Exile (or Exile III, whichever).
You might get some ideas...
Oh yeah, here's a screen shot from my (currently) fictional game, GDT Underground :
- DarkMage139 (Neokatana Software)
"Shut up and give me the freakin code" -unknown
"Ask and you will be shot" -snes16bit
"Not again!" -SHilbert (upon being assimilated)
"Nazrix is cool." - Nazrix
"You've only seen the beginning" -The Dark Lord of RPGs
"I'm gonna go get high on Squaresoft games" - ILoveNataliePortman
Edited by - DarkMage139 on November 12, 2000 8:01:48 AM
You might get some ideas...
Oh yeah, here's a screen shot from my (currently) fictional game, GDT Underground :
- DarkMage139 (Neokatana Software)
"Shut up and give me the freakin code" -unknown
"Ask and you will be shot" -snes16bit
"Not again!" -SHilbert (upon being assimilated)
"Nazrix is cool." - Nazrix
"You've only seen the beginning" -The Dark Lord of RPGs
"I'm gonna go get high on Squaresoft games" - ILoveNataliePortman
Edited by - DarkMage139 on November 12, 2000 8:01:48 AM
- DarkMage139
From the Encyclopaedia Gamearia :
An ancient legend says that the great Dungeon under the GameDevarian castle was built by Nesfive Bit, the great and famous ancestor of Neseight Bit who is also known as the Builder.It is said that during the Pouyan War (666-678) Nesfive Bit was ordered by David Rhinus the First to build a refuge for the people of Geedeenet in case the Pouyans reached the city.He was helped at that task by the Master of Rant Magic Landfish.The great wizard summoned a great monster, the SHilbert,to protect the entrance.The SHilbert is known for it's deadly Gradi-Ent attack that no-one can withstand.
The dungeon was never used, so now it should be empty.But it is still guarded by the SHilbert, and many people think that maybe something is down there....
Runemaster, the Keeper of Knowledge
The Hall of Secrets
"I feel that posts of this nature are a perversion of the internet."-johnnyfish
Edited by - runemaster on November 18, 2000 2:39:18 PM
An ancient legend says that the great Dungeon under the GameDevarian castle was built by Nesfive Bit, the great and famous ancestor of Neseight Bit who is also known as the Builder.It is said that during the Pouyan War (666-678) Nesfive Bit was ordered by David Rhinus the First to build a refuge for the people of Geedeenet in case the Pouyans reached the city.He was helped at that task by the Master of Rant Magic Landfish.The great wizard summoned a great monster, the SHilbert,to protect the entrance.The SHilbert is known for it's deadly Gradi-Ent attack that no-one can withstand.
The dungeon was never used, so now it should be empty.But it is still guarded by the SHilbert, and many people think that maybe something is down there....
Runemaster, the Keeper of Knowledge
The Hall of Secrets
"I feel that posts of this nature are a perversion of the internet."-johnnyfish
Edited by - runemaster on November 18, 2000 2:39:18 PM
-----Jonas Kyratzes - writer, filmmaker, game designerPress ALT + F4 to see the special admin page.
As for scanner CDs, Neseight Bit gives you a quest to bring them to Landfish so that he can destroy them with a powerful spell.How Neseight Bit got them will remain a secret for now
Runemaster, the Keeper of Knowledge
The Hall of Secrets
"I feel that posts of this nature are a perversion of the internet."-johnnyfish

Runemaster, the Keeper of Knowledge
The Hall of Secrets
"I feel that posts of this nature are a perversion of the internet."-johnnyfish
-----Jonas Kyratzes - writer, filmmaker, game designerPress ALT + F4 to see the special admin page.
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