
Modeling living things in MAX

Started by November 12, 2000 01:25 AM
8 comments, last by Peon 24 years, 1 month ago
OK, I''ve been playign around with MAX for awhile, but still cannot really make anything "living". One of my biggest problems, especially with modeling people, is the annoying, obvious seam that appears (esp. after meshsmooth) when you put two meshes together. Is there some technique I dont know about to get rid of this scene? Or should I simply make my people one whole mesh? thanks peon

OK, I''ve been playign around with MAX for awhile, but still cannot really make anything "living". One of my biggest problems, especially with modeling people, is the annoying, obvious seam that appears (esp. after meshsmooth) when you put two meshes together. Is there some technique I dont know about to get rid of this scene? Or should I simply make my people one whole mesh?



What to you mean be "putting two meshes together"?
When I modelled a demon the arms were comprised of two meshes. (Upper + Lower Arm) + Claws. The same system was used on the legs. Once I''d modelled the whole creature, I applied Smooth to it, then textured it. Once textured it looks great. It''s on the website if you want to look. Dunno where your problem lies, but you could attach one mesh to the other (making it one mesh) and then welding the vertices together...

Maybe you could post a picture of what you''re describing... if you press Print Screen button you can capture the screen to your clipboard, or render an image!

I assume you want a high polygon model, and yeah you could make it one mesh, it depends how you want to animatwe it, if at all.
The example you gave is what I mean.

"When I modelled a demon the arms were comprised of two meshes. (Upper + Lower Arm) + Claws. "

How do you connect the arm without ugly seams? I mean, the arm should be smooth but if I just drag the two meshes together so they intersect, you get a very visible seam. If I''m still not being clear enough, I can upload a pic...
The best thing I have found, is to downgrade to max 2.x,because you get a most exciting modelling tool you can''t get for any other 3d package: REM''s Metareyes 4. You build your model muscle by muscle. Takes time spend 2 weeks building a basic models consisting of a body and two arms. But the endresult is so amazing that I would not consider exhange max 3.1 and it''s MR for this tool.

Muscles that is what organic creatures are made from. Even ILM have problems envision that. It was just too bad that REM went bust, because it is still a lot of bugs in the plugin.

If just someone could make a new plugin as metareyes!!!!

Hey up!

Could you post an image of the problem area? Best thing is to join via a centre point...

Post an image and I''ll point out anything to help!
I''m not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I''ve never had any problems doing what it sounds like you''re trying to do.

I use the mirror tool, select the correct axis, and it creates the copy in the right place and lines everything up perfectly. Then I do a boolean operation to combine the two into one model, colapse the stack and covert to an editable mesh, then UVW map it.


"Two wrongs do not make a right; it usually takes 3 or more."

"Two wrongs do not make a right; it usually takes 3 or more."
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
Never anger a dragon, for you are crunchy and you go well with brie.

Are you actually deleting the opposing faces and welding the matched vertices together or are you just sticking the hand close to the arm? Because vertex matching and proper welding are pretty easy and very required for low poly organic modeling (the type where you start with a box and meshSmooth it).

Note on metareyes:

Infografica didn't got bust, they just reforemed themselves as a new company, reyesworks.
They're working on an opensource 3d platform that kicks damn near every other programs ass. check it out,
there's tons there to download, the demo contexts are great.

Edited by - fith on November 17, 2000 9:26:17 PM
::I suck at programming::
Ok, pretend the following is supposed to be a muscular arm (made in in about 1 min )


See those seams? It's skin, it should be smooth. Like Zonebie's dragon, I want it to be seamless. So any ideas?

Thanks so far

*note: no [img] tag on this board i guess

Edited by - Peon on November 17, 2000 10:28:49 PM
WoW - Great fith!

They are back, just reading through all their stuff. But unfortunatly they are not supporting Max anymore or are they...going back into reading...they do but I need a coder...they have gone into open source! It''s even more here... please go there to have look. This seems quite amazing.
Hum, ok
two ways you can counter this, first you could weld them together

separate them so there is a centimetre between them, select one and click "attach" and then click on the other.

This will make them 1 mesh. Then simply weld the vertices together, ensurely a better fit.

To be honest though, the Bone Demon I did looked like this until it was textured. Try texturing it (even with a flat colour)

Hope this helps.

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