Original post by Nytehauq
By the way, by 'real time', I mean actual "press a buton, character reacts console game like action", the game world functions in the same way real situations do, without any breaks, or arbritrary rounds in combat. Like Devil May Cry 3. No MMORPG has done this before.
I think it's just a matter of perspective, really. Your idea of real time combat can be also viewed as combat with arbitrary rounds that are infinitely small. In this sense, MXO is doing pretty much the same thing, but they choose to expand the length of their round to 3-4 seconds due to both technical limitations --having to simultaneously update few thousand of players about everything that goes on-- and visuals requirements --each combat move performed by a character actually takes time, and needs to be shown-- ... plus, it allows for more elegant combat resolution, as without this sort of synchronization when you insert typical lag in the picture it becomes nearly impossible to reliably determine if player A hit that dodge/move button just in time to avoid the attack of player B etc... which in the long run is extremely frustrating and anything *but* fun.
I suspect if you got the round time down to ~1 second and hide the fact such rounds exist from the players, they'd never notice it's not "pure" realtime combat. For that matter, it'd be probably the best way of making such 'realtime' combat system, for all reasons and benefits listed above.